Congrats to new Tim Cartmell blue belts!!

Tim's Discussion Board: Shen Wu : Congrats to new Tim Cartmell blue belts!!
   By Kit Leblanc on Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 06:06 pm: Edit Post

A hearty congratulations to Tim Cartmell's newest blue belts in the Pac Northwest, from the School of Budo dojo in Portland, Oregon.

Chad Williams, Jason Masterson, Erik "The Erik" Rosekrans, and Michael Porter were ranked blue belt, and Mike Selin and myself formalized our current blue belt ranking by testing under Tim.

Tim was pleased with everyone's performance, with particular congrats to Chad Williams who achieved a 100% rating!!

Many thanks go to Tim, who has come up on a regular basis to Seattle and Portland for training, always offering his succinct and detailed instruction and unique approach as a model...

To Mike Selin, who has really worked to instill Tim's curriculum in the school, and in the students there, visited L.A. to train at Ace and bring back new work, and focused on building direct relationship with Tim for all of his students by bringing him up....

And a special nod of appreciation to long time student Jake Burroughs from this board. Jake's bringing Tim to the Pac NW was the first introduction of his material to the School of Budo. I remember telling Mike that he had to come up and meet and train with Tim, and that it would change his approach and perspective on jiu-jitsu. It did, and the rest is history being written. That would not have happened without Jake's introducing us to him in the flesh, so many thanks to Jake!

   By Tim on Monday, September 26, 2011 - 05:39 pm: Edit Post

Everyone did an outstanding job on the test, which is by far the most rigorous blue belt test I've ever seen.

Congratulations to all the guys who took and passed the test, and thanks to Michael Selin for the opportunity to work with him and his students.

   By Jake Burroughs on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 10:13 am: Edit Post

Congrats to the new blue belts!
Kit, it is my pleasure. All my life I have sought out the best at the martial arts. That is all I did with Tim. I am glad you guys took the short drive north to visit Tim back a couple years ago.


   By Jake Burroughs on Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 03:01 pm: Edit Post

Sorry guys. A day late on the short review but here it is: t.html

   By Kit Leblanc on Friday, September 30, 2011 - 04:41 pm: Edit Post

Cool, Jake!

One of the things that I like so much about Shen Wu is that it combines and builds upon pretty much all I did before: CMA, many things from classical jujutsu, Judo, BJJ, and MMA all adapted and integrated into one package, all without losing its eye on what is practical for self defense!

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