Mike Patrerson Ba Gua Book review

Tim's Discussion Board: Shen Wu : Mike Patrerson Ba Gua Book review
   By Timber on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 10:38 pm: Edit Post

Ba gua:A Means to an end.

I like it. It's well written and well thought out. Mike Patrerson talks about the internal martial arts in a very straight forward pragmatic way. His physical structures are exactly the same as my first ba gua teacher(tian fan,5 element qi gong) but explained in a more pragmatic way without all the traditional Chinese medicine jargon. Not that there's anything wrong with tcm talk but it had no place in the context of martial arts as it pertains more to cerbral exercise. Tai gan exercises develop power. Tea cup exedcises develop pliability. This simplicity is beautiful.

The body mechanics outlined in the book teach the "tuck the tailbone under method". You like it. Fine. You don't? Fine. I don't happen to agree with it as most here probably don't either but if it helped his fighters then so be it.

The author recommends that ba gua practioners spend more time in post heaven training(techniques, push hands, sparring).

   By Timber on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 10:39 pm: Edit Post

It was an excellent book overall.

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