Archive through February 06, 2006

Tim's Discussion Board: Shen Wu : Kung Fu San Soo: Archive through February 06, 2006
   By Jill (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 08:18 am: Edit Post

Thanks Chuck! Interesting info. Thanks for the reply. Nice to have some serious discussion with someone with knowledge.
Too bad some moron has to throw in some "gripping sexuality" remark. He (Bob#2) should save that crap for his brokeback mountain buddy.

   By Chuck (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 02:20 pm: Edit Post

Glad to provide the info. KFSS and BJJ are both good arts. There's plenty of people that have used them to protect themselves on the streets. I've worked out with many police officers, SWAT, prison guards, military, undercover cops, bouncers, bartenders, white collar, blue folks that applied KFSS in real situations. I have used it in minor college party fights but nothing serious. I have not studied BJJ, but imagine there are plenty of real life stories too. I have no issues with BJJ, I think its a good art. I think martial art instructors should go out of their way to teach gays, women and others who get preyed upon and are the victims of violence. They need it more the the rest of us who primarily do it for fun and as a serious hobby.

   By Jaque Whunose (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 03:03 pm: Edit Post

Silence is the "voice" of complicity.

You guys fall for it every time. If predictabilty was a sickness, the quire would die of it.

Guess Chuck confirms more of my "stories" and while I'm just trying to "fit in" with you chumps (your killin me!!!!), I'll stash some more pleasus in my pleasure chest, along with my trophies - that would be videos of two a days.

Living good is the best revenge Quirelets,

Don't forget to set the Alarm clock!

Jill, when was the last time your were properly drilled, by a man that is? Now now now put down that black double dong before you hurt your self.

Chuck brought more to this discussion in two posts that all you pea brained "competition is God" quirelest could do even if you banded together and hummed the entire marine crop. band while on your knees. Are you up for the drill Jill. Please post a "bagina" shot!!

Two boobs Bob, you must be a "legitimate pussy," please send your Bagina shoot- ASAP.

I'll be back.

De pupetear - Jaque

   By Le master Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 03:26 pm: Edit Post


You aint brokeback are ya?

   By Chuck (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 04:12 pm: Edit Post

Jack - No. Not a "brokeback". Prefiero la puta. Gay cowgirls - now that sounds like it would make a good movie. . . .

   By Chuck (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 04:33 pm: Edit Post

Jack - Did you ever meet Tony or Chris Buhr? They went to Pendleton a lot to train Buds. A guy named Sean also went. I think Sean still teaches with Jerry. Chris teaches through Tim Larkin in the TFT program. Did you ever know a SEAL instructor named Lou? He came to Jerry's studio a few times. One time he had to sit as he was seeing stars from a hit to the temple. He came out with his own hand to hand video tapes.

   By BAI-HE (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, February 04, 2006 - 10:21 pm: Edit Post

Jeez Dos, these guys sound tough and sexy.
I figger were two posts away from the part where they tell you they are gonna kill you and make a hash pipe out of your skull and then smoke up to System of a Down's "Cigaro".

Pass the skinny Columbian teenager and the bong please...

   By 3 (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 01:41 pm: Edit Post

TFT - More San Soo taught as a diifernt art with a differnt slant.

   By Colors (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 03:04 pm: Edit Post

apprentice here,

ahhhhhh still playing the username game i guess ill have to resort back to song titles

everyone get down with the sickness.
oh wait u already are
i guess you all never understood the song tells you to think for urself and never believe what u r told. Ever hear the saying never believe anything you are told, find it out for urself and only believe 20% of what you read. Ill take a guess but 20% of this website is all Jack so why dont you all listen up and let the real teacher give his lesson about fuckin teenage columbian gurls and then his nuggets of knowledge that is twisted along with it. You guys could learn a thing or 2 about his ways. If not Jack then listen to what i have told you about your personal criminal ways. And if not me then listen to the Old Timers round-the-way logic that you need.
ttfn criminals

   By BAI-HE (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 08:02 pm: Edit Post

What I hear? Okay, how about what I see. You see Jack and I see Tim and his students putting it on the line.

Nuggets of knowledge? Dude I study MA, not jacking teenage pussy in third world countries.
You could learn a thing or two about being a man and not a miscreant.

your logic. It's the logic of the exploiter. A man is what he does. You can celebrate your lack of morals and try to wind that into some predatory mind-set that has to do with Martial Arts, but I ain't buying.

   By Old Timer (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 11:22 pm: Edit Post

I find Jacks exploits fascinating and commend him for having the confidence in his character to share them. They certainly are unique. Unlike the mediocre character of those who only neigh say and judge.

Jacks posts are the only thing that keeps me coming back to this site, certainly not another variation of the latest throw - boring.

Laying it on the line.. What line? The saved by the whistle line? Jack and I learned from the same teacher and we have that in common. We were taught to fight, or not fight. Never to compete in games. Fighting is not a game. Sports are. Just like so many others have stated in different posts.

I believe that Jack knows a lot more about laying it on the real line than Tim's whole class combined – Tim included

You competitors keep on dreaming.

Laying it on the real line is all about a predatory mind set. You can fool yourself all you want and believe that your sport techniques will work, and maybe they will, if you have the Nuts to really try it and the psychological acceptance of the possible consequence of their application. Until then you will never know if it can do any thing more than win a slap ass trophy.

Got Nuts? Probably not. Most likely you are the kind of guy that plays poker with plastic chips instead of cash. A sideline player like most of you competition zealots.

Outlaws are essential to protecting your freedom. Don't expect then to be neutered little house cats, politically correct metromales.

Guys like Jack have been built as attack dogs. I watched many of them develop. They are like domesticated dogs that have gone wild. Escaped the hum drum life of the suberbs, Broken out of the box. Traded the imagined safety of the do what you are told and follow along society for an unleashed existence. You kids are all being led by the powers that be. Not a free thinker among the bunch. Just the way your government wants you to be, Sheep. I agree with Jack and Jimmy on that. Jimmy would never say such a thing in public, but privately he despised the suburban life, paying taxes and people that wasted their time towing the phony “line."

Jimmy built fighters, Tim builds competitors.

You people are vicarious fighters. All competitors who do not lay it on the Real Line are vicarious fighters. People like Jack are real fighters. That’s why they play so hard.

The real go to guys. Not you trophy huggers. Jack’s got the Nuts to reveal his character. Only Shane, Apprentice and a few others have written about who they are. So who are you to judge, and who are you? Mr. righteous? Before you sit on your self-appointed bench, let’s hear about what you have done in your life, what defines you. I doubt if you know. One thing I like about Apprentice is that he has confidence. I don't see that confidence in the so called Quire except for Shane. Tim even seems to distance himself from character revelations.

You study MA. Wow you are a real man... living in a dream world. Like Jack says - fighters fight for something real - good or bad. They are not in it for the vanity. I like Jack's prostitute analogy.

Fighting for competition prostitutes the character of men much more than peculiarities of sexual appetites.

I surmise that you - what ever your unusual handle is, and what ever it means, are simply jealous and secretly wish you had the Nuts to lay it on the line.

   By In You Honor (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 11:32 pm: Edit Post

apprentice here yet again,

BAI-HE, thank you soooooooooooo much for completely proving my point and have a wonderful night. Thought a newcomer would be more wary of what could happen by reading the past mistakes of others but nope same basic remarks. Just like always it went way over your heads and you were confused and ignorant so you post a piss and venom post and think you're a smarty pants. Bravo, truley bravo.My points keep getting proven and reproven with every post. I luv it.
hehehehehehehe; sorry i gots the giggles
btw-whose putting what on the line?

   By Cold Day In The Sun (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 11:38 pm: Edit Post

apprentice here again,

damn old timer give it to the bitch
you look like you're catching on to our beloved Unicie Jackie. Your turing in to vicious poster. Guess you got sick of all the pussy that many people think they are.

   By BAI-HE (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 11:39 pm: Edit Post

Well I've had plenty of fights. I have rarely competed in tournaments. I've probably lost more than I've ever won. I've had me feet run over by cars, been beaten with boards and had my ass kicked in multiple attacker scenarios.

On the good side, I've put glass in people's heads, kicked people down staircases and beaten people with my hands, rocks and what have you.

I come from the non-competition side of the fence. I have a respect for people who can do. Tim, Meynard and some of the other guys here practice as realistically as one can in these disciplines. If the best training is fighting and you can't find a fight? ... Do the math.

Look at Tim's throws against a highly trainedopponent. Then imagine what happen's on concrete. Think the guy will get up?

Don't talk to me about nuts. I just don't give a , nuts aren't enough. Nor is being willing. There are very few fights that I ever walked away from, win, lose or draw.

If you don't have an appreciation of the technical aspects of H2H combat, why the study? All you need is some willingness and killer mentality right?
I suppose you are too deadly to fight a highly trained practitioner in a ring. You just kill for a living in the street right? You don't train it, you're just a killer....
An eye-gouging, groin ripping killing machine.
Probably a Ninja to boot.
Killing hurts.

   By BAI-HE (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 11:48 pm: Edit Post

Isn't KFSS whatever works? Maybe I'm doing KFSS.
Who gives a crud?

I don't. I'm enjoying all this hot air though.
Bunch of anonymous crud. The one guy who is really in with it answered my question with no static and no "I'm billy Bad-ass spec-ops Columbia" bullcrud.

I suppose backing your up by claiming to be Spec-Op goons makes the legit. Wouldn't be the first time MA's tried to align themselves with Military training to add to the glamour of combat.

So slap a feather boa around your neck and do some lousy Shaolin forms. I won't get in your way Liberace!

   By 3 (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 12:23 pm: Edit Post

How do you get your ass kicked in a scenario?


   By Guess Who? (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 01:04 pm: Edit Post

Glamour of combat?

You need to back up a couple of month and read this thread. Who ever you are if you are going to post at least know who the characters are and what is their position.

App. 15 year old kid with wit and confidence.

Shane, wanabe be san soo guy. Loves to think about pulling the triger but figures if he gets hurt he loses a day at work. An alamar setter. AKA Queen of the Quire.

Meynard, lackie, probally Tim's house boy. You know, sweeps the dojo and washes the windows etc. As per instructed or ordered.

James Koojo AKA stanley / stoojo. Difinantley into competition although san soo has piqued his curiousity and doesn't really know where he stands now. Gone from a num nut to a searcher.

Bob #2. Say nothing loafer, probally doesnt train much or at all.

Tai Chi Bob. Trailer trash wanna be.

BAI-HE is that like Bi - She? Brokeback for sure. Angry, very angry. Funny hes not registered, a definant quirelet or at least a strong candidate.

Jack - well... Jack is Jack, AKA El Vincent, The Jackster, Master pupeteer, a multi personality psychopath.

Old Timer - Difinantly a Jack fan with a mind of his own. Slowly losing patients with the Quire.

Iorn Bastard - kind of mindless and impatient. A stunch quire member. Probally an Alto.

Larry from Whittier. Middle of the roader. Can't figure him just yet.

Chuck. "Can't we all just get along" Chuck. Informed middle of the road type. Probally doesn't fight.

Hombre con Pan. Classic knows what's right type with a lot of confidence. No more searching - he knows.

Did I miss anybody?

So now all who want to post, keep up on the characters and try and add some content.

Oh yeah Joe. Suck up wants to be on the pedestal like Tim type. Fake humility aka - good traing Joe, Euro Joe oy Eurout Joe. The quire sews, Jack cuts.

Oh yeah another "silenec is the voice of complicity" - Big Bald Betty - well Jack shut him up. Too bad thourgh had the best writting style and humor. If no-personality Stanley was a 1, Big Bald Betty was a 10. Sardonic learning toward quirelet type - a sopranno who was once a bass.

Tim - did we forget Tim, - He is the owner of the ink, leader of the Quire. San Soo guy who never bought into the street fighting aspect. A tecnician. Light on personality, heavy on dedication. Doesn't want to say much cause he either burns you or sticks his foot in his mouth. Along with Shane, probally the only members you'd want to have a beer with. These two are probally the only potential trigger pullers in the bunch. The rest are merely props. Training toys.

   By Shane on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 03:30 pm: Edit Post

Guess who,

As for being a San Soo wanna be- I took San Soo for 6 months in the early 90s. The teacher was a nice enough guy- but gave up because I felt it was stupid waste of money and time. It's fair to say I 'was once' a San Soo wanna be- until I studied San Soo.

As for having a beer with me, you're just saying that because of the picture on my profile, aint ya?


   By Big Bald Betty... (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 03:54 pm: Edit Post

Well wll well -
Howdo Jackola, you friggin Mick Jaggar look alike.

I'm here with my thumb up my a$$ because of my 22 yearl old girlfriend and her mother who I've been doing is taking up all my time. Anywho, thanks for making me famous.
I got nervous that I didn't make the list.

Now, tough guy why don't you start talking some trash sweetheart. You've been much to nice lately.

Come on handsome, bend em over like one of those little sweeties you tag.

Don't you want to have a beer with me honey?

Beerless Betty...

   By robert on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 04:27 pm: Edit Post

this thread is a continuous downward current spiraling into oblivion.