Archive through February 17, 2006

Tim's Discussion Board: Shen Wu : Kung Fu San Soo: Archive through February 17, 2006
   By Terence Niehoff on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 05:56 pm: Edit Post

Kung fu san soo vs. MMA -- The San Soo instructor put up $5,000 that he could beat pro MMA fighter John Marsh in a no rules match. Eye gouges, groin strikes, etc were all legal in that match.

   By robert on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 08:24 pm: Edit Post


p.s. the top guys nut were wide open to the bottom guys left hand. he shouldve grabbed and squeezed,lol.

   By Victor (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, February 12, 2006 - 09:25 pm: Edit Post


I know John Marsh and his crew, would you like me to set you up a fight?
You can show us how you can beat him with your nut grab.

   By Bob #2 on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 12:18 am: Edit Post

I think robert was being sarcastic. Since the whole thread has been about how devestating Kung Fu San Soo is- and the only existing footage of anyone trying to use it is that Howard Stern looking guy John Marsh beat up in 15 seconds..

Victor- there was quite a bit of discussion about that fight earlier in this thread. Probably 7 pages back. Jack gave an inspired explaination of why the San Soo guy lost.


   By Jason M. Struck on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 12:41 pm: Edit Post

wait. I'm confused. That guy was supposed to incapacitate the MMA guy with nut grabs and eye-gouges, then finish him with the neck snap, and instead he got taken down and submitted? That's not right. That is totally not how it is supposed to go. Everybody knows that. WTF. Now I am actually starting to believe Tim and Backarcher...

And how could anyone predict that the guy in the old-fashioned chinese clothes (that chinese people wouldn't wear to practice or a fight) was gonna get his ass beat? Man. I am going to have to sit down and think a lot.

What if all the guys with pony-tails and the silk suit at the regional KungFu tourney are not really that bad ass either, and all that movin slow is actually becuase they are slow! Holy Crap!

   By Daddy Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 01:58 pm: Edit Post

To all you superficialist

3 is dead right. And this place is dead without your soon to abandon your ass Uncie J (Jill knows it).

Fudd (Struk, like in repeated blows to the head) - don't get a headache we wouldn't want your body to do the pea shooter thing - that is shoot you pea size brain out your mouth.

It is more than common knowledge here tha San Soo is not for compition. Dahh - read up twatlets!

And if you can't post anything more worthwile than your - did someone say "stupid" clips, than don't bother postin. Remain in your got nothin to say as normal situation (GNTSAN).

You guys can niether lead a discussion nor lead an attack.

Immaturons (immature morons). Hey a quires subset.

If all you immaturons had something to say, like maybe Old Timer or Xing, I might start postin with my idomidible style and flare.

Since your teachers (plural - not just your neglect KT) have not taught you to adventure out into the real world and use yourself to gain experience, you remain dull as Popeyes corn cob pipe. Eat some spinach and take a sail, you might just learn somethin. Then you could share somethin! Remarable how it works that way.

Disjointed yet rambling. Takes a pure immaturon to accomplish that oxymoron (disjointed rambling).

Who can beat up whom is the credo of the quire.

Wow you are slow, oh double wow Batman, Marshguy is going to play kick your ass! Play some more video games. Oh pick up some sticks and play fight.

Immaturons. Wake up and live. You all need a spankin and Jackielou here is just the one to give it to you. Sorry this is gonna hurt, but it is for your own good. I donot want to do this but you leave me no alternative. Kawap - blap blap blap. Wipe the snot off your face and dry your eyes. You know I love you.

That a boy, good little dickheads, now go and play. Don't let me catch you postin like that again, oh I'm sorry you can't help it. That's right - GNTSAN.....

   By FunJohn on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 03:08 pm: Edit Post

The only thing the KFSS guy could have done was to "jack" (pun intended) Marsh before the ref started the fight. Bet $100 he wouldn't have seen it coming! Nothing like a good sucker punch straight down the pike to finish it before it gets started.

Without the element of surprise, what we saw happen in the video clip will happen 9 out of 10 times.

   By Jason M. Struck on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 03:36 pm: Edit Post

because of what Koojo says?

   By Big Bald Betty... (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 03:56 pm: Edit Post

KFSS is the art of the sucker punch that is what the street is all about baby. hit them before they hit you, yeah

right Jackoff???

Well let me tell you honey, I can sucker someone WITHOUT reading any books or taking lessons from anyone.

I guess I am a KFSS expert to. I go to church, pull chicks live a cowboy lawless life and march to my own drum - woohoo I'm princess Jackola...

you are pathetic. I thought I was pathetic, but you seriously pathetic. You have problems, but I like you - you wanna dance naked ?

Oh yeah, I also helped invent some marital art that is in blackbelt magazine in a 3 page advertizement. yeah that;s living large

you coconut.

Betty doesn't really even know the guy...oh yah who gives a f((* if he does to

   By robert on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 04:12 pm: Edit Post


I must gracefully decline, although the nobody/d class fighter would probably be a good challenge.

I do know a few violent ex cons who might though, but they dont take to losing very well and they have happy trigger fingers.

p.s. eat me.

   By Datuibad on Monday, February 13, 2006 - 05:01 pm: Edit Post

So the point of this San Soo is to touch someone's BALL"S!!!!!WHAT A TECHNIQUE THIS IS THE MAN THING TO DO

   By Meynard on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 12:24 pm: Edit Post

This forum is out of control. Someone needs to clean house and throw all the party crashers out.

I vote for a new bulletin board!

   By Jill (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 04:41 pm: Edit Post

And I bet you will cry till you get your way, won't you.

   By Meynard on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 04:56 pm: Edit Post


We will only let the cool people in.

   By Datuibad on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 05:54 pm: Edit Post

Yah Cool only and good looking

   By James "koojo" on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 08:24 pm: Edit Post

and no potbellied people

   By Mud On The Tires (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 08:55 pm: Edit Post

apprentice here,
hey meynard nice to see you back, what happened?
hmmmmm my guess is you just got back from the asylum.
But anyway if only the kewl peeps would be allowed in then i guess you would feel left out.

   By The Iron Bastard on Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 10:39 pm: Edit Post

Simple solution is to require anybody who wishes to post, they must register. This will eliminate some of your problems.

   By Da Laughin Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 09:43 pm: Edit Post

Jealous little lice eater, I know you love me!!!!

Broke back or bareback no matter which end of the dick your on, it's all queer.

So Bets, what do you do with that pathetic obviously know nothin No-nothin life style.

You migt have a grain of wit and can almost write without breaking character, but that is about where the simularities between us end.

Here is the difference, I'm in Pueblo Colorado with sisters - not the choclate type mind you but the Russian teenage stripper type who just happened to be paid for on your dime by the guys who spend John Q Taxpayer's money. Ironic ain't it Jack pays no taxes and you guys work every year untill May to placate the wildman in me). Their pussy's are almost as tight as the Scandinavian babes (almost). However, the pitch of the squeal is distinct - completely differnt.

You my lice eating friend are most likely still digesting the critters you corraled while playing the choclate bamboo flute through the two week old lice infested shorts that your butt-buddy is flashing you with that glazed cum on your pouty face look.

Oh yeah one kinda similarity, the Russian chicks have that same look in the back of the limo.

The rest of the vain little "don't know what to do with my life" Quireons still GNTSAN (Got Nothin To Say As Normal).


Meet the new idea. Same as the old idea. Why don't you discuss somethin you know nothin bout? Take out the "how to behave like a Bitch in 1 easy lesson " book and turn to chapter 1 - titled: discussin or havin an opinion bout somthin you no-notin bout!!

Ha AAAwww, yawn yawn. Natasha (no jack her names Natasha, the other is Katia) the quire wants me to snap a photo darling. Of what you say? You know, take a picture for the no-nothin chumps behind the Orange curtain. They at least deserve a peek at the pink, now don't they my little kitemires ??? No tellin how long it been for em, eh? Show some grace for the poor little fellas. Yeah, that's it now, little closer, close enough so they can gaff that tuna. Ok immaturons, if you want Jack-in-her to post it, bark like seals ... Arff Arff

You see Jack's got the ruler of the world literally in the palm of his hand - The clit. And Jack manipulates the rulers cause he's got a big stack of chips or to you no nothins that is Cash, which is the ruler of the ruler of the world.

Oh yeah, Betsturd, that's another huge diference between us. You can only get so far with that undeniable charm of yours.

See ya - want to see it,

Da Laughin Jack

   By BAI-HE (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, February 17, 2006 - 07:58 pm: Edit Post

Your laughing with your mouth on the end of another man's clam hammer. You restless varmint you. You rest-stop cowpokes are dime a dozen.

Please tinkerbell, you go from telling us how deadly you are to rolling with some fea bitten Russian trannies who'd hand for a square meal in Pueblo. The emphasis on "Blow"... You got a lot of chips in your mouth Rambo. How do you keep managing to talk?

Takes? hahahahwa. Got a deadly nut-grab for the IRS? Just what we all need the "Outlaw Brokeback Posse" to keep us safe. You digging up Doc Holliday's bones in CO?

Big shoes, rubber nose, same ol' .