Reality Training

Tim's Discussion Board: Shen Wu : Reality Training

   By Jake Burroughs on Thursday, August 03, 2006 - 04:31 pm: Edit Post

Go visit Tim and form your own opinion. He is open.

As for the Bodyguard question...
I would want a trained bodyguard. Ex Bouncers who have a "brawler" mentality are
#1 Not bouncers for very long because they will get canned and/or shot.
#2 No one other than thugs and fellow bonehead idiots would hire someone like that to be their personal bodyguard.

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, August 03, 2006 - 10:21 pm: Edit Post

regarding Tim as a teacher- he's great.
regarding Tim as a human being with you, I don't know.

My criteria for realistic training; I look for things that work, explained in a way that is understandable by someone who enjoys proving their lessons work.

   By Jason M. Struck on Friday, August 04, 2006 - 08:08 am: Edit Post

like the way you prove things to the geezers?

   By Bob #2 on Friday, August 04, 2006 - 03:18 pm: Edit Post

exactly. Wrinklely folks need realism too. They appreciate being treated like teenagers.

   By Jason M. Struck on Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 09:20 am: Edit Post

I dunno.

I think that it may depend on your age as well. At 27 years old, Half the old people I work with look at me with a great deal of skepticism...

And where I work, I am not allowed to hit them or anything, so it can be slow going at first.

   By mozart on Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 11:54 am: Edit Post

TIM: it seems that you and morris hold pretty much the same views on martial arts and fighting, with the exception that he seems to have totally dismissed chinese martial arts, where as you continue to practice them. can you say something on the subject? thanks.

   By Tim on Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 10:10 pm: Edit Post

Well, I don't know exactly what Mr. Morris teaches, but I'd be surprised if he totally rejected everything he learned from "traditional" styles.

I took what I believe from my own practical experience to work the best and kept it in the overall system I teach. I do teach one traditional Chinese style class a week, I enjoy it and some for some people that level of training is enough.

I don't practice "forms" anymore either, except on occasion, although I do believe I got something out of the practice at one point in my training.

   By Jason M. Struck on Sunday, August 06, 2006 - 08:29 am: Edit Post

glima... that's a new one to me.

what precisely are the rules of these competitions, and the ultimate goal of the competitors? How is success judged?(points? number of throws/TKO?)

   By Joe Bellone on Sunday, August 06, 2006 - 08:38 pm: Edit Post

I was just talking about "forms" with a BJJ/MMA buddy of mine today after we worked out. I think a lot of "stuff" gets lost in the "translation" with forms and that's why the old Shuai Jiao forms are so good. They are clean and simple and it's easy to visualize what you are doing so when you practice on an opponent (either cooperative or non) you can apply it.

A lot of people (not a knock, just my opinion) don't know what they heck they are doing with their forms so they go through the motions without the intent of the movement in mind.

Good training,
Macaco fino

   By Jerry on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 08:08 pm: Edit Post

Tim: "I don't practice "forms" anymore either, except on occasion, although I do believe I got something out of the practice at one point in my training".

What was it that you got from the form practice when you got it?

   By Tim on Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 09:42 pm: Edit Post

Better alignment, the ability to move my body in a correct, coordinated rhythm, an improved sense of balance and a method of internalizing specific patterns of movement useful for fighting.

   By Jerry on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 11:40 am: Edit Post


   By Joe Bellone on Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 07:45 am: Edit Post

"Better alignment, the ability to move my body in a correct, coordinated rhythm, an improved sense of balance and a method of internalizing specific patterns of movement useful for fighting."

What garbage! I know for a fact you do it to pull hotties...What chick could resist you twirling around like a whirling dervish. You could be on dancing with the stars someday. Although, you told me secretly in the locker room after you made me dress like little Bow Peep, that you did forms to cultivate your chi power.

Anyway, I recall I saw him explode a chicken after he was walking the circle in a very speedy way building massive chi power and letting the energy flow out of his hands and combusting the fowl.
Or maybe he didn't explode the chicken but just hit Chris G hard in the chest. Whatever...both are cool to watch. I can't exactly remember now. They (the chicken and Chris G) kind of look the same sometimes...

Good training,
the illustrious Macaco fino

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