Hughes vs Gracie

Tim's Discussion Board: Jiu Jitsu/Grappling/Ground Fighting : Hughes vs Gracie

   By ima dude (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, June 02, 2006 - 12:01 pm: Edit Post

you guys are right, matt hughes is a strong fighter, and its most likely due to the fact that he is one of those militia types that do all that military stuff training. it was surprising to see royce beat kent shamock, but kent shamrock does not possess the speed and technical skill of hughes. and royce probably has sickle cell. jk

actually, i was rootin for royce, you win some you lose some, i wonder if there is gonna be a rematch.

   By Carlos on Friday, June 02, 2006 - 01:37 pm: Edit Post

this is what john mccarthy (the ref) had to say...very interesting.

oh, i don't know about that whole militia training thing lmaof. Its MILITECH as in Pat Militech, not militia!!! but if you were kidding around that was funny. I thought maybe he was military b/c of that t-shirt he always wears ("ONE ARMY"), but i looked closely and it says ("ONE ARMY...of God"). i think he just has strong religous convictions and trains w/ Pat Militech.
hahahaha...he's not out in waco or ruby ridge waiting for the feds!!!!!lol

   By marc daoust on Friday, June 02, 2006 - 11:56 pm: Edit Post

royce was in way over he's head,
it's one thing to beat a bunch of kung fu,karate
ninja guys, that only train a few hour a week after a whole day of work,knowing no ground fighting!
than a world champ pro,that train full time.
but still, royce looked like a chump!
a lot of fighters gave matt a much harder time than that!!!
everybody was like royce; is the man... blahblahblah,,, BS....

   By Backarcher on Friday, June 02, 2006 - 11:56 pm: Edit Post

This is from Roy Harris BJJ Blackbelt:

From: Roy Harris
Date: 06/02/06 09:21 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
1468 Total Posts Ignore User
Last edited:02-Jun-06 10:56 PM

For me, Royce's fight performance was a mix of disappointment, respect and anticipation! Allow me to explain:
I was disappointed at Royce's performance for five reasons:

First, Royce was one of my first instructors in Jiu Jitsu, and even though I thought it was going to be hard for him to win the fight, I was rooting for him. I was disappointed by the fact that Royce got dominated for the majority of the fight.

Second, looking at Royce's stance, posture and footwork during the standing portion of the fight, I was disappointed that Royce wasn't "PUSHED" during his training for this fight. Now don't get me wrong, I am sure he trained hard for this fight, but there is a marked difference between training hard for a fight and repeatedly being pushed beyond one's limits and comfort zone by a determined and experienced coach!

Royce's use of his rear foot during the standing moments of the fight told me a lot about his training. His rear foot was soft, relaxed and too close to the (center) line of his head. In my opinion, when someone places the center of their rear foot close to the (center) line of their head, it is usually an indicator of how hard they have been PUSHED in training (as well as how hard and fast their rear hand and leg are going to be).

By contrast, the previews of Matt Hughes warming up showed him using a strong rear foot! If you taped the fight, take a look at the footwork used by Matt and you will see a strong (and hard) rear foot.

Additionally, Royce's upper body was too rigid and linear - another sign of not being pushed very hard in training (IMO).

Now, while I admire Royce for stepping outside the boundaries of Jiu Jitsu and training kickboxing at Fairtex, the stance, posture and footwork he used during the fight told me that he had not been pushed very hard by his coaches - and this was another disappointment.

Third, I was disappointed with the video clips of Royce training with his brother Royler. While I have a great respect for Royler, to use someone that size to train for a fight against Matt Hughes is silly in my book.

Why do I write this? Because there is no comparison between Royler Gracie shooting in for a takedown and Matt Hughes shooting in for a takedown. Size and strength (athleticism) will always matter - especially when there are two equally trained (and experienced) individuals fighting against each other. Even though Royce has fought some bigger opponents in the past, these opponents did not have the well-rounded experience of a Matt Hughes (nor did they have the well- rounded coaching Matt received from Pat Miletich and other members of his team). So, while Royler could definitely assist in certain "technical aspects" of wrestling, he could not deliver the power, explosiveness and experience of someone who has the level of experience that Matt Hughes has!

Now, if I were Royce and I knew I was going to fight Matt Hughes, I would have taken my big bank account and hired a team of the biggest, strongest, fastest, and most aggressive level wrestlers I could find. (These wrestlers would have had to have national and international experience in competition, and would have had to weigh a minimum of 230 lbs.) I would have had them drive me up into the ceiling with their shoots and lifts, and then would have had them slam me down into the mat (and through the foundation of the floor) - over and over and over again. Also, I would have taught them my strongest hold downs and encouraged them to hold me down with all of their might! From this platform of training, I would have gained a new perspective on the combination of technique and athleticism needed for today's top fighters!

I would also have hired a team of cruiser-weight boxers and had them barbecue my ribs with hooks and uppercuts.

I would also have hired a team of lightweight boxers and had them pepper my face with jabs galore.

I would have spent a minimum of 200 hours (in the ring and on the mat) with each group.

Additionally, I would have hired a number coaches (mental, dietary, conditioning, strength & endurance, etc...) to push me beyond my comfort zone, as well as help me gain a new set of skills needed for today's top MMA fighters. Why would I have done all of this? Simple: Because I would realize that today's MMA fighters are more talented and more athletic than the fighters I fought in the early UFC's. I would also realize that a new approach would be needed to address today's game (because I would acknowledge how outdated yesterday's game is).

So, because I did not see these elements in Royce's performance, I was disappointed. Personally, I thought Royce took this fight too lightly. I may be wrong, but judging by Royce's response after the fight, I think he felt a little bit of this.

Fourth, I was disappointed with Royce's leg work and hip movement from the bottom of the side mount. His feet and his knees were dead, and this was not something I expected to see from someone who had been doing Jiu Jitsu all of his life.



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From: Roy Harris
Date: 06/02/06 09:21 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
1469 Total Posts Ignore User

Fifth, I was disappointed with Royce's attempts to escape side mount and the figure four straight arm lock. Judging by what I saw in the fight, it looked as though it had been A LONG TIME since Royce had made himself vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. While I am sure Royce KNEW how to escape the side mount and the arm lock, his lack of activity (and/or combination of movements) demonstrated his "rustiness" with these positions and techniques.
An area of training that is SO IMPORTANT to developing a well rounded game is DEFENSE! Additionally, a person can only defend themselves in a live scenario when they have been repeatedly put into that same situation, over and over and over and over and over and over again! For example, from blue belt to brown belt, I allowed certain students to repeatedly put me into arm lock after arm lock - while I escaped, over and over and over and over again. THIS, in my opinion, is the only way a person can develop each aspect of their game. So, because I did not see Royce "technically" explode out of the side mount position or out of the arm lock, I was disappointed that he had not spent enough time training these aspects of the fight.

Finally, what do I think is next for Royce? Well, I think Royce will keep on fighting. However, if he has any plans on succeeding against today's top contenders, he is going to have to give his current game a complete overhaul! Jiu Jitsu alone will not do the trick. Wrestling alone will not do the trick. Boxing alone will not do the trick. And even the combination of each of these will not do the trick. What I believe it will all boil down to is this: Royce will have to begin following what others have done - (a) He will have to learn each aspect of the game, (b) He will have to develop a series of skill sets in each aspect of the game, (c) He will have to find a NEW GAME that suits his body type and personality, (d) He will also have to find a new set of tactics that will work for him against the new crop of opponents, and finally (e) get back into the MMA game and start fighting again on a consistent basis to prove or disprove his new theories!

Will Royce do this? I don't know. I hope he does.

One last and VERY important point about Royce: I admire Royce for stepping up to the plate and putting it all on the line against a competent fighter like Matt Hughes! It took a lot of courage to do that in front of all of his fans. In my opinion, he has done something that no one else in his family has done - not even the great Rickson has put his reputation on the line in this country!

So, even though Royce lost his match against Matt Hughes, and even though many of us were disappointed with his performance, Royce won a lot of respect for his efforts to put his reputation on the line!

I take my hat off to Royce, and, I anxiously look forward to his next series of fights to see how he has adapted, modified and changed his game!!!

Roy Harris

   By marc daoust on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 12:07 am: Edit Post

a lot of money can make anyone put anything on the line!
he must of made more for that fight than any other fighter in ufc ever made for 1 fight!!!
including liddell and couture!

   By Fatboy (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 06:12 am: Edit Post

The moral of the story is stay away from people with cauliflower ears with the strength of an orangutan

One popular borneo folk tale tells of an old male orangutan that once abducted a girl from her village, keeping her alive in the forest on a diet of wild fruit. In return, she produced a baby for him — half human, half orangutan. One day, she escaped from his devoted vigilance and ran toward the river with her enraged kidnapper in hot pursuit. There were some people on a boat, and upon seeing the fleeing girl, they cried out for her to abandon the child and leap into their boat for safety. This she did, thereby making good her escape. But her incensed "husband" snatched up the child and in his passionate rage tore it in two, hurling the human half after his vanishing bride and the orangutan half back into the forest. To this very day, heartbroken, he roams the trees alone, calling pitifully for his departed love.

Hey marc are you going to make up your own grappling style, Orangutan Style, with it's trademark Grapevine Submission Hold... bahahahahaha!!!!!

   By Stephen Ott on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 11:47 am: Edit Post

Dude, what in the world does that have to do with a UFC match?

   By Jason M. Struck on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 12:04 pm: Edit Post

if he was underestimating hughes, and not takin the fight seriously, than how can you say he was brave to put his reputation on the line?

to me it seems like a catch 22.

i think Dana knew the outcome of this fight, and it was the final nail in the coffin of 'the old UFC'.

This sport will become more and more his creation, with the reality show and the promotion etc. It's no longer a bunch of people pooled from the martial arts community; it's athletes and others who see a respected business they want to be a part of.

   By Jason M. Struck on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 12:09 pm: Edit Post

that business is selling xyience

why doesn't Matt have time for a country breakfast?

   By Backarcher on Saturday, June 03, 2006 - 12:58 pm: Edit Post

"...i think Dana knew the outcome of this fight, and it was the final nail in the coffin of 'the old UFC'. "


You are wise brother!!!!

   By Jason M. Struck on Monday, June 05, 2006 - 03:55 pm: Edit Post

eventually other posters are going to get tired of listening to us kiss each others' asses...

but whadya gonna do?

   By ainu (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, June 07, 2006 - 01:57 pm: Edit Post

Gracie is still the king! When he started, the gracie system was a wake up call for the cross training of MMA but he is alot older after 15+ years exposure since leaving Brazil, and his training worked for lots of people.
Now people are smarter, wiser, but the physical conditioning is about 60-70% of most arts.

No art is unbeatable!

   By Jason M. Struck on Thursday, June 08, 2006 - 10:26 am: Edit Post

it would be more interesting to see more of Renzo and Royler. They are competent MMA guys.

   By Backarcher on Thursday, June 08, 2006 - 10:44 pm: Edit Post

Royler is still in the early 90s, in my opinion.

Renzo has lost his last few fights(I think 4-5), but he fights tough well rounded guys and he trains others more than himself. He is still apart of the "new" MMA.

   By marc daoust on Friday, June 09, 2006 - 01:45 am: Edit Post

all things in life change!
we can go with it and adapt,or and up like
he trained with royler for his takedown defense??

CHANGES???! isn't that the fondation of ba gua???
come on IMA freaks! where are you when it's time to talk about this stuff?
ps do you need me to mention a chinese name?
DAY LONG BANG ! wait till you hear his porn name!

   By Fatboy (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, June 09, 2006 - 10:25 am: Edit Post

All things in life don't change cause your still spouting the same old Marc Daoust crap, he wait a minute !!! I'm wrong !!! Things do change, I see you've come out and announced your new Boyfriend Mr Day Long Bang. Eeughhh ! No I don't want to know his porn name, what you guys get up to you can keep to yourselfs!

   By hao long (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, June 12, 2006 - 01:04 pm: Edit Post

i got one for you,

how long is a chinese man...

   By Bob #2 on Monday, June 12, 2006 - 04:42 pm: Edit Post

not long enough to keep the chinese ladies happy.
(which is why they started the practice of foot-binding)

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