For the more thoughtful types

Tim's Discussion Board: Jiu Jitsu/Grappling/Ground Fighting : For the more thoughtful types

   By Abdullah Orozco on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 12:30 am: Edit Post

Didn't Alberto gas out in his last fight, w/Sonnon being his conditioning coach?

   By Jake Burroughs on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 09:38 am: Edit Post

No. Al got him as a coach ater he gassed!

   By Tim on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 12:41 pm: Edit Post

Hi Eric,

When I train I combine more difficult exercises with less difficult, and my exercise is continuous for the duration of the workout.

In addition, like Jason pointed out certain types of exercises, pressing to a handstand for reps for example is not most people's idea of "cardio," but it qualifies. These types of exercises require short burts of intense activity, I practice them at intervals between less strenuous movements in any session. Besides strength building they provide the kind of endurance crucial to fighting, especially grappling.

I'll admit, I spend a lot of time on the mat teaching and sparring, it certainly does effect my level of endurance, but when I've had time away from the mat, travelling for example, my solo training seems to maintain my normal level of endurance.

When I was a boy Yoga practice was my first exposure to training in a specific "body method," and the concept of mind/body unity that was a big reason I became interested in the Internal MA. Types of Yoga are much like variations in specific MA styles, although similar there are variation in the principles. I learned a specific body method (as well as specific exercises of course) from my Yoga training, but I'm not a Yoga teacher. It would be best for you to research and consult with qualified Yoga teachers if you decide to practice Yoga as a separate system.

   By Kit Leblanc on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 01:42 pm: Edit Post

How 'bout another DVD project, Tim:

Tru Balance Yoga for Martial Arts.

Modern Sports Performance is becoming increasingly popular in MMA for that competitive edge. The kinds of things Rhadi Ferguson was doing with Into Combat, Parisi Speed School, et al are gaining increasing traction in the Jits and MMA community. Out here a local sports performance lab is attracting some Team Quest guys and others as well. I think it will mean increased performance and perhaps more importantly increased longevity in the combative arts.

   By Tobbe on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 - 05:22 pm: Edit Post

sounds like a great dvd project

   By Backarcher on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 01:01 am: Edit Post

I've taught yoga for many years. I was the first to combine traditional yoga concepts and the "bodyflow"(grappler's toolbox) type drills. I did this before there was a Prasara.

Yes, it is still a form a yoga. The goal is to integrate your movement, breathing and structure. Like tai chi, it's more of a "moving meditation".
In Prasara, the breath is the nucleus of the program.

The movements were originally drills for grapplers and martial artist.

Mr. Sonnon and myself(him first)realized that the movements could help anyone, not just martial artist.

The original package wasn't user very friendly for non-martial artist.

So, the later programs were packaged more for everyone.

Also as he increased his knowlegde, some of the movements changed and some stayed the same.

He was really the first to create a joint mobility program. Now, there are many programs(I have them all).

Joint mobility is a hard sell to young guys. But older people and fighters like me who are older, former lifter and beaten up value it very much.

For your average combative, you don't need a lot of supplementation, but for a serious professional fighter you need a lot more.

His combative arts concept really created the foundation for my own growth. Even though I may not use his specific examples, I use his concepts.

Yes, as he always says these aren't new concepts. they are concepts that "masters" already know, but took years to realize. He gives you the concept and uses "technical examples"(some think these are the techniques), rather than examples of the concepts.

Tim does the same thing in "Effortless Throws".

Because of the language he used early on, people are turned off by him. He has changed that somewhat. But he loses a lot of business and people lose the opportunity to get some good info.

There is a reason he uses some of the terms he uses. My judo teacher was trying to explain a judo concept to some new students and just couldn't find the right words. I interrupted and used one of Scott's terms and the instructor was very impressed. it fit perfectedly.

While I was a coach, he was very good to me and never said anything negative about me after I left, unlike he did some of people.

He does have some personal issues about people stealing his stuff. At times, I think it's paranoia and other times I think he is justified. I just got a new Joint Mobility program and it's good, but 75% of it is Scott's stuff and the guy gives him no credit. I felt guilty for even watching it.

A few years ago, I changed the way I workout. Like Tim, I beleive in more complex movements that incorporate core strength, agility, mobility and endurance. But I got the idea from Sonnon.

But when I'm helping fighters prepare by doing lots of sparring, I need more than average cardio to keep up and challege them. I have to do supplemental cardio then.

As a former powerlifter and wrestler, I need supplemental exercises(yoga and joint mobility) to abate tension of years of abuse.

If I hadn't abused my body so in the past, I wouldn't need as much.

   By Jake Burroughs on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - 12:49 pm: Edit Post

Good post Archer! I look forward to meeting you.

If you think Tim's book is great, just wait until you meet the man!

   By Jason M. Struck on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 08:05 am: Edit Post

after the initial response the forum received to my post and Scott's marketing in particular, I did some research on other forums to find out what the big stink was.

He's been asked cordially to explain why he's a "distinguished master of sports" in Russia (which does not exist)(like being and O-sho-sho-dan in Judo or something) and why there's not even any records of him in the russian schools or competitions he claims to have been in. To these questions about his past and credentials he seemed to have answered many times: " let's talk more about my training methodology i am here to promote."

I have listened to Stephen Koepfler (Sambosteve, ASA) interview him for his podcast (the sambo podcast). In it Scott does explain his evolution as a fighter, and the story is not that dissimilar from someone like Tim.

Many accuse him of presenting his materials in an unnecessarily cerebral way, of exagerating his own credentials and/or competitive history, and aggressively marketing his products. While I am not crazy about this approach to business, it has nonetheless been the methods by which I discovered Pavel Tsatsouline, Rhadi Ferguson and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, all things for which my life would be woefully worse without.

I ain't gonna throw the baby out with the bath water just yet.

   By Jake Burroughs on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 11:27 am: Edit Post

ARe you trying to convince us, or yourself? No one said Scotts stuff is bad or not good, just question his marketing intentions. I feel the same way about Pavel and Rhadi etc. Good stuff. But did we need the silliness in marketing? Lloyd Irving is another.


   By Jason M. Struck on Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 07:51 am: Edit Post

well rhadi learned many of his marketing practices from LI I have no doubt.

I think that many take the 'he markets too hard' as kind of an 'easy way out' to just dismiss something. I thought that people would enjoy seeing and or discussing the way he develops and modifies circuit conditioning in a progressive way. Something that I do with my clients, but I know many in the S&C world never get that specific about.

Instead everyone is just assassinating characters. I made my last post to try to express that I am not denying the charges, but I still believe some are missing the forest for the trees. Which is too bad.

   By Jake Burroughs on Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 09:17 am: Edit Post

Dude, you are not reading posts then. Everyone here has given Scott props for what he "DOES" we just take issue with HOW he does it! No one is missing a forest or the tress!

   By Dave C. on Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 08:30 pm: Edit Post

"I think that many take the 'he markets too hard' as kind of an 'easy way out' to just dismiss something."

I agree with this.

   By Jason M. Struck on Wednesday, December 05, 2007 - 01:58 pm: Edit Post


I guess I was disappointed that few were discussing any of the specifics of what he does and how it differs from their own practice or that of what others recommend.

For instance, exercise selection. Or loads or rest or any other important factor in that type of training.

rather the focus has been on his marketing and credentials. I guess I was looking for more of a discussion rather than a 'props' giving.

   By Mark Hatfield on Wednesday, December 05, 2007 - 05:40 pm: Edit Post

For those of you in the know, what videos or cd/dvs are good in the line of 'grapplers toolbox' stuff? Keep in mind I am one of the older crew and have no grappling background.

   By Tim on Wednesday, December 05, 2007 - 07:25 pm: Edit Post


You may be interested in the "Ginastica Natural."

Alvaro Romano has a few instructional DVDs for sale.

   By Backarcher on Wednesday, December 05, 2007 - 10:28 pm: Edit Post

I have all of those. The one for grapplers is the best. I also talked to him. Nice guy.

   By Tobbe on Thursday, December 06, 2007 - 03:23 am: Edit Post

When oh when will the new dvd the Ground proofing -thing be released?

   By Tim on Thursday, December 06, 2007 - 03:52 am: Edit Post

The link should be up on my site by Saturday.

   By Tobbe on Thursday, December 06, 2007 - 05:06 am: Edit Post


   By Tobbe on Sunday, December 09, 2007 - 01:57 am: Edit Post

Hi Tim
Did you mean this saturday or saturday next week?
I canīt find the link

   By Tim on Sunday, December 09, 2007 - 02:30 pm: Edit Post

It should be up this weekend or early next week.

   By Tobbe on Sunday, December 09, 2007 - 03:58 pm: Edit Post

thanks for info Tim

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