Archive through December 07, 2005

Tim's Discussion Board: Concepts : The Street Fighter: Archive through December 07, 2005
   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 11:32 am: Edit Post


Tim likes competition and technique. Hey, thats cool. I like collecting wine. Tim likes collecting technical knowledge.

San Soo has street application. It is not designed for competition. There is either fighting for real to the death if needed. Or no fighting at all.

You have to develop a maliciousness that serves your intent to incapacitate or maim or kill.

Sports competitors such as most martial artists never develop the psychological acceptance of such necessities on the street. Why should they? They have the ref to save them. They have rules. There are no such safeguards on the street.

Fighting for real and fighting for the right cause are significant, these are real life victories.

Sports’ fighting is insignificant.

Its entertainment.

San Soo has a goal to develop confidence in ones character. You have to get it beyond technique.

Its something you know. I call it the power of knowing.

The power of knowing that I am the best.

The power of knowing that even if someone did more damage to me than I to him. If I was him, I would of done a better job on myself.

That you do not always stop physical confrontation and beatings. The guy taking a beating could deserve it.

These are almost al direct quotes from Jimmy. An experienced street fighter and a great human.

They develop a sense of understanding about life and yourself that martial arts do not teach.

Jimmy stressed three things that made a friend or opponent powerful. There ability to fight and their physical health; How much wealth they had; And who they knew. Their communications so to speak. This also included political allies and friends and your relationship with God.

True kung fu addresses these issues and well beyond. Such as awareness of the moment through meditation, instinct and intuition for more than fighting. etc.Martial arts do not.

Jimmy didn't teach theses things to everybody,

He taught what you were interested in on your time. Not class time. You had to ask questions. The great thing was Jimmy loved questions.

His only requisite was that you didn't know the answer.

To him if you did not know the answer to a question, no matter how elementary, it was a legitimate question. No such thing as a stupid question.

He also knew if your were asking questions to make yourself look good in front of the class.

As far as Tim goes, what a great and dedicated martial artists. You guys are lucky to have someone like him to collect knowledge and more importantly share it. However as mentioned before, I do not think he ever developed the maliciousness that a street fighter must have. And that is neither good or bad. It serves you if you choose to risk your position, such as in possible enemy territory, however you also pay a price that is you sacrifice something inside, a part of your feeling deadens.

Anyways if some of the posters on this board are his students I am sure he puts up with a lot of lame immature crap. I wouldn’t do it. I taught to military and mature people that I thought would use what they learned. I have a deep inner circle in a handful of countries.

By the way, you guys should financially support all of Tim's efforts as money-wise, good and competent MA teacher are under compensated.

We all have different calling and different elements of power (to quote Jimmy). It is up to us to use them, the ones we have, and develop new elements of power to round out are arsenal.

Tim is Tim. Jack is Jack and Jimmy was Jimmy.

We are individuals.

That was a main teaching of kung fu.

Teachers do not develop the students. The students develop themselves, thus they are free of the teacher. Thus the teacher takes no credit for the students that excel and neither for the one that do not.

Like Musashi said; “Transformation is the ability to remain unaffected.”

And “to control without controlling is freedom.”

Here endeth lesson.

Iorn Bastard, if your pea size brain cannot sustain more than a couple of sentences or a concept or two, well, ah, let me see. I’ll give you a Ricky psychobabble answer – masturbate less.

   By Joe B (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 01:09 pm: Edit Post

Hi Jack,

Just a quick comment, from the tone of your last email gives the impression that you are basically call Tim a pussy and what he's interested (competition) useless other than serving as entertaining value. While I'm sure that's not the intent (because a person who has lived life as yourself certainly wouldn't insult the host) there are conflicting statements within the post that would elude to this connotation.

While I would certainly agree that what I've read of your life (written by you) has been interesting and you certainly seem to have lived a very full one, I believe they way you've tried to articulate certain points have caused insult to Tim.

That's really too bad as it devalues the good points you've been trying to raise.

Food for thought.

good training,

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 01:41 pm: Edit Post


You sound like a mature individual and dedicated also. However, your are deriving inferences from my post.

Pussy? perhaps you are reflecting your feelings, certainly not mine. Also I aint taking the bait.

You can be a sportsman and a hell of a street guy.

However if living on the edge is your fancy, I would deduce that teaching San Soo for more than its technical value would be essential.

Anybody, weather they can or cannot fight their way out of a wet paper bag, that has dedicated their life to their passion, misguided or not, (and I am not saying that Tim is misguided) has my utmost respect. Hey if a guy paints snails on cardboard boxes for twenty years, he has my respect, because obviouly he is dedicated.

That does not mean I agree with those people. Hell I hardly agree with myself.

Joe, food for thought. Got any real life street fighting or street wisdom to share? Do I get to learn anythig, or am I relegated to the scorn heap, sob, sob.

People sure find a lot of fault with me. But I have not heard many pearls of wisdom or experience expounded from the choir.

P. S. Joe Tried? I do - I do not try. And what conflicting statements. I reread and the only conflict I can see occuring is in your mind.

Martial arts are not useless. Inside the studio they can be used for all kinds of neat fun. Outside the studio they have limited application if yu do not develop the psychological/social development to accompany them.

Are we clear? I know I am.

Yackety Jack

   By Joe B (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 02:23 pm: Edit Post

Thanks Jack,

I believe we are clear. I don't believe there is anything that my experiences offer that you'd gain benefit.

For the record, it wasn't bait nor was it my misguided feelings of thinking Tim is a pussy.

good training,

   By Hannah (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 04:36 pm: Edit Post

I have never thought of Tim a pussy, he just don't like to talk very much. And thats ok, being quiet myself. Sure do like to listen to you though Jack

   By The Iron Bastard on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 04:53 pm: Edit Post

Thank you Jack, I found your school yard invectives quite endearing.

   By Jason Haynes on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 09:50 pm: Edit Post

Ok someone asked what the Streetfighters weakness is a described in Geoff Thompsons Book "Animal Day"

start Quote
His weakness lies in the fact that he is a 5 second fighter, every second beyond that the fight goes more and more against him. The one or two techniques that he so favours at each range will be quickly exhausted and the stamina that he has not got will disappear at rate of knots. Because he is so unused to anyone going the distances and the fact that he is feeling the excrutiating pain of oxygen debt (this comes when the stamina goes) he will often panic at this stage and his bottle may start to go. It may take a minute to get him in this state, though, and that minute may be the longest that you ever experience.
End Quote

Kind regards


p.s. I just swich off after reading jacks posts, after the first paragraph

   By Bob #2 on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 10:57 pm: Edit Post


What do you have against "quotation marks"?

(grammatically correcting you)

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Monday, December 05, 2005 - 01:23 pm: Edit Post


Another gal pal. Yeah you chicks act like you don't like the wild ones - the ruffians cause mommy and daddy said stay away from those bad boys. I know differn't and well I ain't the type to bring home to Mamma.

You try and tame us and then mosy guys cave and then you become bored. Not Jack. The keepers get kids and houses. The rest get a case of ripe limes and walk wierd for a little while.

I am loqauious when in the mood. However, the best complement an important friend and metor gave me was "Well here he is. Jack, Jack, knows all and tells none."

There is a time for everything. You better have a black belt mouth to go along with that strap of leather holding up your pants. And just like physical technique, know when to use it and when not to.

Joe B. You are quite the gentleman. I'm a rougue at heart, a gentleman by neccessity.


Well, you are right in a sense cause most guys that like to fight for work or shits and giggles do not train that hard. They are not out to give the victim a sporting chance. Its the atheletes that are in better shape. But they fight for sports mostly.

However the street guys incorporate weapons. Most street guys that I have seen work basically come up to you while you are not looking, IE: pull out a large pistol and strike the back of your head with the but of the handle. Then they either kick you a bit, maybe taking out a knee, or just whip you across the face with the gunn. Then their buddy comes along and works you over. Usually leaving you unconscious. The attack from the back has a lot of strategical importance legal wise. If you cannot identify who attacked you well..

Romantic ain't it.

I like knives. Straight razor too.

Jobs a job.


Jack in ya up.

   By Jason Haynes on Monday, December 05, 2005 - 09:23 pm: Edit Post

I'll give you that one Jack, America is a far more violent place that England, where we are still in the olden days of fisticuffs, in inner cities guns are on the increase and they are spreading, knives and swords are reported a lot in the news, I had I kitchen cheese knife pulled on me once and I talked my way outta any violent encounter, remember it aint the weapon it's the dude holding it ! Some loose change, a handfull of pennies or dimes in america can cause a lot of damage in the right hands ! Take that Kungfu guy who can shatter glass by throwing a sewing needle, you see where I'm coming from.

   By Bob #2 on Monday, December 05, 2005 - 10:25 pm: Edit Post

...from a place where thugs armed with cheese knives are run off by kungfu guys throwing coins and sewing needles?

(understanding you)

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 01:55 pm: Edit Post


How old are you?

If Tim knows who you are, I hope he spanks you.

You have a classic peanut gallery mentality.

Do you ever have anything inteligent to say or are you still exploring your orfacies and facinated with bodily functions?

Ask your mom how long she breast fed you.

Maybe then you will come to undestand your mentality.

Sarcasam is the lowest form of humor.

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 02:08 pm: Edit Post


I was speaking in regards to Central and South America.

You Britts are all hung up about not having guns.

I love guns.

Guns insure freedom.

They got us free from you guys a couple hundread years ago.

Too bad our goverment and society are elimaniting leadership and producing ball-less followers.

I guess that is why women are the up and comming leaders.

They have no nads to lop off.

What a shame America is. Where are the leaders?

Rats in a race. All following the cheese trail.

About the only leader I see is Dr Laura and Oprah! (Both of whom I respect).

I'm serious.

OK readers, serious question, Who are Americas leaders?

Who could unite you with others to action.

They do not have to be well known names.


You got an opinion on this Tim?

   By Tim on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 02:42 pm: Edit Post

Hey Jack,

I agree with you on the lack of leaders, I can't think of any that could unite me to action.

But I'll say this, having lived many years away from the States and after spending a lot of time in third world countries, I can see why people from other countries are sneaking this way over the border.

   By Bob #2 on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 03:41 pm: Edit Post


If you want to know how old I am- click on my name and look at my license- get one of your ho's to add it up for you.

Thanks for the clairification- all this time I thought your posts were the lowest form of humor.

My mother still breast feeds me if I'm feelin' ornery.

(nursing you)

   By Tai Chi BOB on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 04:36 pm: Edit Post

I was breast fed as a child

And The older I get The more I like it!

Bob on BOOBs

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 05:18 pm: Edit Post



I can't.

But I have the coin to live comforatably.

If you do not, then I get it.

Still some one, maybe like you, should teach how to think for your self. It would be nice if someone cared.

More Hilary and Conodleza comin at you. How bout a little John kerry or some more of the little dictator Bush.

Hell I thought Arnold was a breath of fresh air.

Leaders need charisma. Not just smarts. There is a shortage of charisma and you do not develop charisma by following the numbers.

Tell them students of your to go out and express themselves. If they see someone actin like an ass. Address it. Say somethin. Kids too. Hey I was once walking across a parking lot and this kid on a BMX bike swooped within an inch or two of me, as if I were a cone. Well he slammed on the breaks and dumpedd his bike, clunkity clunk it went. He left it lying on the ground and as I approached he looked at me some what bewildered.

No, No,no Jack. You didn't slap the kid (about 12). I wanted too, but I am smarter than that. I came up to the bike and stomped on the dreailer and spokes. He screamed, I'm callin the cops. And I said, go ahead. And walked off. I turned around and the look on that little brats face was pricless.

Its that kind a little that adds up. When some prickis takin two parking spaces, sound him.

No body stands up anymore. Be the sheriff of your immeadiate territory. I like how those black dudes vandalized that liquor store. The one that dress conservative and where the bow ties. Hey, they do not want although liquor stores in poor black neighborhoods. So they did somethin about it. And they broke the law doin it, aw, ain't that too bad.

I applaud em.

That is leadership. Make a staement by your actions, leave the pussy talk to those wicked tounged american empowered by their right to piss standing up women.

Men need to act. And act now. Where have all the outlaws gone. Some were vandalizing that liquor store. So at least there is still some hope.

Hey maybe those earth first people can be considered future leaders. Beats me.

Thats why I live down here. Less complicated and people can make a difference cause more than less they ignore the rules down here. Nobody files taxes, stops at red lights or stop signs and they don't give a turd how many new laws are past they just aint cooperating.

Sound like a plan?

Oh yeah Bob, Hey I took a look at your license. Ever done any time?
Look like you could use some of that lice crap they sell with the little comb.

Actually you look like a pretty indecent fella.

That's a compliment.

Now go brush your teeth, all that milks gonna rot em if you got any left.

My ho's are just like you they can't count pass two.

Captain Jack

   By Mr. Potato Head (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 05:31 pm: Edit Post

I find funny when the crazies find forums like these to help ease their loneliness and share their insanity.

You're definitely a contender to win the Darwin Awards, Jack.

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 - 07:03 pm: Edit Post

Master Po,

Welcome to class!

Please Enlighten, Grasshopper.

   By Mr. Potato Head (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, December 07, 2005 - 12:06 pm: Edit Post

The way you wax so eloquently about your thoughts just makes it clear to me that you should get a Darwin award in the future. Good luck, I know you can do it.