San Soo Inquiry

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : San Soo Inquiry

   By big V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, March 07, 2006 - 06:19 pm: Edit Post

Don't mean to change the subject, but after watching the fighters on UFC, I was curious why they all wore the gloves with the fingers cut off. Is there a reason for this? Thank-you in advance.

   By Bob #2 on Tuesday, March 07, 2006 - 07:36 pm: Edit Post

it makes grabbing easier.

   By big V (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, March 07, 2006 - 08:31 pm: Edit Post

Bob#2 wrote "it makes grabbing easier"
You would know.

My neighbor, Jack Vincent, said you guys wear them because you like seeing your "girlfriends" in short skirts.

He, (Jack), seems to know you guys pretty good. He said to say "hi" to the "quire", whatever that means.

   By ALAG on Wednesday, March 08, 2006 - 01:02 am: Edit Post

Does "He" know how sexest the both of you are?

   By Tim on Wednesday, March 08, 2006 - 07:53 pm: Edit Post

"you guys wear them because you like seeing your "girlfriends" in short skirts."

Outstanding Jack! Funniest thing I've heard all week.

   By Michael Andre Babin on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 09:33 am: Edit Post

So that's what my wife means when she snarls "You need to take yourself in hand, you old idiot".

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 11:54 am: Edit Post

big V,
you chided "Bob#2 wrote 'it makes grabbing easier' You would know."

I do know because I know plenty of fighters. I don't know out of personal experience because I've never found a pair of gloves large enough to fit over my knuckles.

   By De Real Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 07:58 pm: Edit Post

Checking in and I see you halfwits got nothin to talk about as usual.

Tim, I guess I'm just omnifrickinpresent acording to you. You miss me? Dont the lab rats give you enough thrill?

Well I guess you guys are on to bigger and better trophies. Keep thinkin brown, like in Brazil and maybe someday you'll "get it."

Hey, back to the drawin board ain't to bad. You could be pickin up your teeth in the street or somethin.

I here thee present the glass jockstrap award to....... (Drum roll)...... Tim.

PS I could never be as boring as Larry from Whittier.

Gotta go to work now little angels the politicians are stealin from the good guys.

Later Robin "hood"

Shane your a bitch. Which one is you in the picture, the right or left. Ever heard of somethin called Integrity? Or is that to big of a word for you?

Quire power ya all and to all a good night. Immaturons the bunch of ya. I guess i'll have to slap you to sleep and then slap you for sleepin.

   By JKD Rules (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 08:29 pm: Edit Post


Watch this and you will understand why you suck.

   By Shane on Friday, March 17, 2006 - 12:00 pm: Edit Post

I've heard of Integrity. Made by Honda, right?

All your talk of 'slapping' is making me wonder if Tim is right about your boarding house.

   By Pan (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 06:17 pm: Edit Post

Hey Jack
Glad to see you posting again. I thought maybe you got sick of the "cowboys" on this site.

Same caca, different pile, as you know.

How much lower can Tiny Tim go? I think you dealt him a mortal blow.

When will we get more wisdom from the true Master? (you)

Shane and Marc just don't do much for the "intelligent design" theory, do they?

Hope to hear from you soon.


   By The Free Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 11:04 am: Edit Post

Aw Pan,

Give em a break. They actually think sports are important. You know the hyptnotised by TV mass marketing brain washed set is hard to reach.

Soaked in the urine of false succes and peged to the wall of competition, they have nothing but disdain for significant accomplishments.

Drained of all that is natural and forced to reside in stucco masoleams, how could they not be oppressed. They are educated by the systems so they are fools.

Trained purpotrators destroying nature in search of importance.

Little sheep led by Bo Peep.

Kung Fu is a way out of the shitstem. But they see it only for its fighting techniques. They are oppresed by the predator. And they do not even see or know it.

Fighting games are designed to keep people trapped in the status quo, they are like newspapers, designed to abort leadership and train followers. Ceasar pacifying the Roman mobs with Gladiator games.

With no hope of adding meaning to their life, because the concrete world has deprived them of genuine interaction, they look to the comaradie of sports, and find humor and companionship. It is a place for the common to remain comon. A place to feel good about insignificant accomplishment. A place to say LOOK AT ME, I am the winner. And all of the rest are losers. Nonsense.

With out applying what you know to the real world, you do not know it. If you cant use it to change the unnatural and further the natral (tao)it is insignificant.

Thus the followers, the pack of hopeless cows, always despises the Maverick steer. The one who breaks his own trail, the one who travels apart from the heard is thretening to them. As they wish not to understand the importance of life they remain as blind as thouse who wish not to see. The ostrich qoutient. The hurry up and get it overwith set seeking a ordinary and dull life desperate to relinquish the most important possesion, freedom.

Woe to the quire as the invisible (to them) downpressors chew on thier bones, suck their blood as they willingly spread their legs to the those that leach the spirt of good.

Those who would stand up to the shitstem are not found in sports camps, they are the product of the opressors.

The stand-ups are those who protect and act for the good of others, not those who toute thier vainity through games of winners and losers.

Forgive them for they know not who they are. They are soaked in the fesis of videio propaganda and the tread mill, quietly watching freedom drip away like Chinese water toucher.

Yet, they have no sympathy from me as a man makes his own destiny. No risk no reward. One must live big and if not, die trying.

Great minds are always a threat to mediocraty.

   By Pan (Unregistered Guest) on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 01:58 pm: Edit Post

Hey Jack,

Good to see you posting again! We were begining to wonder.

Yup, you are right about the quire.

How about some more "Xing" knowledge?

Did you ever make it over to Tims Sunday School?
(shane and maynard want to meet you)

Glad to see you back, HCP

   By Tim on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 07:46 pm: Edit Post

Hey Jack,

Nice speech about individualism and "standing up to the oppressors".

So, could you explain again why you ran away from the United Sates?

   By The Iron Bastard on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 08:21 pm: Edit Post

Let’s see could it be "fear of the oppressors" and it’s far easier to talk the tough talk then walk it, akin to his one adoring fan, the apprentice, teen talking.

   By Old Timer (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 - 07:15 pm: Edit Post

Ouch! Jack you back again. This crew is never going to understand so why waste your breath. More Xing posts would be a better altenative.

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