Archive through March 11, 2006

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : Kimbo vs mma fighter sean gannon: Archive through March 11, 2006
   By Enforcer (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 04:00 am: Edit Post

Kimbo got knocked out by a professional mma fighter named Sean Gannon who challenged him after he saw the fight on the internet and wanted to prove himself and prove that a professional trained fighter will beat a streetfighter in a no rules streetfight. Although Gannon won he used some illegal manuevers like knees and he put Kimbo in a guillotine for like a minute which casued kimbo to gas thus causing him to lose.

Gannon is a cop that wanted to prove himself against a former convict. Kimbos only former loss was against a guy who used a mace against him, and he knocked out a wrestler who tried to take him down by kicking him in the neck after I think sprawling or getting up.

   By Kenneth Sohl on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 05:14 am: Edit Post

Wait, the guy used "a mace" against him, as in medeival weaponry, or he used the spray called mace against him?

   By Enforcer (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 06:52 am: Edit Post

here is the interview:

   By Enforcer (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 07:37 am: Edit Post

I'm betting that kimbo has training and probably trains currently as well. His pure boxing skills seemed better than Gannons.

   By Tim on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 07:57 pm: Edit Post

One more example of the golden rule: no matter how tough or good you are, if you gas first, you lose.

   By Enforcer (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 01:46 am: Edit Post

Here is a site with some pretty good still shots from the Gannon Kimbo fight.

original fight for those that havent seen it:

here is an older interview with kimbo:

   By B_rad on Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 06:22 pm: Edit Post

Gannon Followed the rules while Kimbo's corner repeatedly broke them.

A guillotine choke is not "ground fighting" as listed in the rules.

Knees are not kicks.

Congrats to Gannon on the win. I heard the challenge was $10K. Did he get paid?

   By me (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, December 03, 2004 - 10:41 am: Edit Post

can someone download that fight and email it to me? my work blocks those sites.. friggin suxx...


   By Jose A. (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 07:51 am: Edit Post

i want to see this video but my work blocks this type of videos. thanks please send to

   By kathleen arp (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, October 09, 2005 - 09:00 pm: Edit Post

i really really want to see this video!! email it to me or send me a link please

   By Tim c (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 08:39 am: Edit Post

   By Ahdoga on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 04:16 pm: Edit Post

OK. When I first saw the fight, I thought it was a "Real Fight" meaning "no rules". I kept wondering why Gannon didn't use any throws/chokes since he was a MMA guy. Now I understand there were rules and that clears it up. I don't know what the rules were so I can't say anything about Kimbo's team breaking things up or the knees by Gannon.
But both of them are intense and have major guts.

   By Ahdoga on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 07:27 pm: Edit Post

the interview I read had questions about pro-boxing but no MMA related questions. Do you guys think it would be exciting if Kimbo tried pro-mma events? I am just wondering if that's something he has tried, or is interested in. Also, would people want to see him try?

   By joe (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 01:47 pm: Edit Post

Kimbo is wild he smashed gannon in pure stand up and just got exhausted if the fight was to goto decision I would give it to kimbo but as it went to a 30 swecond count after 10 minutes (which there was no breaks in between as in MMA there are 5 minute rounds then a small break) but kimbo was fighting a man who outweighs him by roughly 25-30 pounds> Props to kimbo on that fight even tho he "lost" check gannons face haha stuipid cop. Although I am a fighter I would not be thrilled to fight either of those men.

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, March 02, 2006 - 04:38 pm: Edit Post

so you agree that regardless of size and skill, it all comes down to endurance.

what does "stuipid" mean?

   By the hunchback of notre dame (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 04:18 pm: Edit Post

gannons right eye was f*cked up, he looked like the hunchback of notre dame.

   By Bob #2 on Friday, March 03, 2006 - 07:17 pm: Edit Post

and still he beat Kimbo.

you're right, that's friggin' impressive.

   By Steve S. (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 02:28 pm: Edit Post

How exactly... do you use "illegal manuevers"... in a "NO RULES" streetfight???
That doesn't make much sense.
I hate hearing about the so called rules of a no rules fight, after your favorite fighter losses! You are just trying to heal your pride because you lost. EVERYONE losses sometime! If you don't think so you are an idiot! You just need to suck it up!

The only rules in a "real" streetfight are no weapons and nobody steps in. The two fighters bring to the table whatever skills they have... and use them!

Kimbo is obviously a good "boxer", is tough as nails, and has a head made out of granite... BUT when it comes to "fighting", "streetfighting", or other skilled types of full body fighting, Gannon is a far superior "fighter"!

I would love to see Kimbo vs. Gannon again, but this time with no fighting style restrictions! Let them both fight with the styles and skills they know best!!!
Gannon would win... no contest!!! Kimbo would get worked!

   By pepe (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 08:33 pm: Edit Post

kimbo is a real warrior, but on a matter of figthing skiils, he is bit short. i d'ont think gannon is a better figther then kimbo,he just was, as pro, a litle bit more prepared.but non of this two will stand much time against somme brezilian figther,or mma,pride,or even k1. nevr do less, this was a hell of a figth. blessing from the old world

   By Random Man (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 06:55 am: Edit Post

Sean Gannon Whipped Kim's ass big time in that fight.

Kimbo is just a hitter that is ALL, he has no endurance, and no discipline, just raw punches,he does hit hard but that only works the first 2-3 minutes after that he's fucked,

Sean Gannon hits hard, Grapples Harder, and has ENDURANCE, This is a winning combination, I get paid to anylize fighters and he is strong by my insights. Kimbo is all show and anger he's a freak puncher, end of story.