Yesturday I put a guy in a rear nakid choke

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : Yesturday I put a guy in a rear nakid choke
   By Enforcer on Monday, February 19, 2007 - 02:56 pm: Edit Post

I was at this party drinking some beer and chillin and saw two guys scuffling (it was in front of a hosue so techncially a hosue party with no bouncers) and it looked like they were about to fight. I waited a few seconds and it still didn't defuse so I ran up to the agressive guy and form behind grabbed his neck and head back and puth im in a rear nakid and told him to calm down. He started accusing the other guy of something but went totally limp so I figuared he was done and let him go real quick but after I ddi he started acting tough like the rest of them and told me "but next time you choke me Im gonna knock you out" so I replied "you dont know what Im trained in but keep talking" and he just said "i dont care what your trained in" and it kinda stopped and he never tried anything else with me or anyone else at the party. I kinda felt like the response was kinda lame later that I used my training as an itnimidaitonf actor when i should have just not mentioned it and kept it hidden and kind of let my hands do my talking and instead said something more along the lines of "than come on do something, go ahead" with my hands outstreched.

   By robert on Monday, February 19, 2007 - 03:14 pm: Edit Post



is that what you are looking for?

   By alienpig on Tuesday, February 20, 2007 - 01:59 am: Edit Post

Good one mate,

sounds like you were surrogate bouncer, people can get seriously hurt at these drunken shindigs, just out of plan follishness if nothing else. So if you do have the balls to step in and neutralize the situation before anyone gets stabbed or something, then good on ya. I think letting people know that you know stuff is a good idea in that situation, it is perhaps a bit like wearing a security guard uniform.

   By Ventura on Tuesday, February 20, 2007 - 12:53 pm: Edit Post

I'd be watching out for a shiv to your kidneys next time you're in one of your parties.

   By Enforcer on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 - 11:23 am: Edit Post

well I waited awhile until I saw the other guy grabbed the other guys wrists and was pushing him back.

   By Enforcer on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 - 11:24 am: Edit Post

lol more like vigelante bouncer or renegade bouncer, those titles sound even cooler :-)

   By Jason M. Struck on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 08:48 am: Edit Post

it's more commonly spelled "Naked"

what you may have meant is a 'Rear Nekkid Choke' which is an entirely different situation, that perhaps Bob #2 could elaborate upon, if you asked nicely.
He's from SF and seems to know a lot about the lingo.

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 09:47 am: Edit Post

Naked means without clothes.
Nakid (or Nekid) means without clothes and up to something dirty.

I didn't want to get involved in a story regarding
two men 'scuffling' and Enforcer running up 'form behind' but mostly I don't want to rile up someone with "training as an itnimidaitonf actor".

I'm not sure why Jason thinks I'm from SF. I've never even been to France.

   By Jason M. Struck on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 09:05 pm: Edit Post

i have.

i found the women warm, and the men cold.

and the weather shitty.

and the food great.

   By robert on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 09:40 pm: Edit Post

he said he found the men cold, lol...

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 09:55 pm: Edit Post

is it true the people rarely bathe, pee in the streets and let their dogs poop anywhere with no regard for cleanliness?

   By Jason M. Struck on Monday, February 26, 2007 - 04:01 pm: Edit Post

most showers were not heated, so I was in no rush to bath myself...

the other two points can be found in most american cities.

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