Got into another brawl this time with Mexican wing partners

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : Got into another brawl this time with Mexican wing partners
   By Enforcer on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 07:18 pm: Edit Post

I went to this party with this chinese friend of mine and all of a sudden some mexicans and black guys started kind of yelling and a bottle was thrown on a wall and one emxican guy pulled a balde out and the balck guys ran back and they held him back. There was a standoff and they started yellign at each other and I kind of stood there but knew one or two of the black guys from the fact they were friends with the group who jumped me that one time where I had a welt on my face so I wnated to start something and when I saw this one loud mouth small (or about my size) black guy going off on this other guy tyring to sound tough I told him I was in some white gang or something and I looked at him and said yea not expecting himt o have balls to do anything but he just attacked me out of the blue but didnt deck me or anything and the whole palce started brawling with me and a bunch of mexicans vs blacks. All of as udden as I put him in a guillotine type wrap/choke I started getting punched by like one or two other black guys while tied up to him and I knew this is bad news so i just scrapped out of there as quickly as I could behind the mexicans. I didnt know if I could count on them or not for sure and didnt want all those blacks hunting for me so I tried ot blend in. I got punched like 4 times but none of that had like any effect or gave me a single bruise or anything I just kne wif I fell and didnt keep my balance after like a couple of themw ere all voer me Id be done for. I should have went right back at them though after rejoining the mexican group since at the time I could fight one at a time without being outnumbered but I kidna panicked they would all try to get me or something.

   By Enforcer on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 07:18 pm: Edit Post

I just thought it was so hilarious how everyone started brawling right as I got hit, it was like that pelican bay rush in that fmaous riot where that one inmate got shot, it just went off. But the standoff ebfore that where they were squaring off was even funnier, how the black dudes kept guerilla style hitting themselves wih the sides of their fists and trying to intimidate the hispanics out. And how they literally had to hold the one who pulled the balde out and got sucker pucnhed back in like a gorup he was so relentless to get at them. The whole thing was really a comedy, movies are amde about such brawls. I freaking lost my shoe in the middle of it theyw ere so all voer me and so quickly, I knew I couldnt rely on the hispanics I ddint even know so i got out of dodge. I should have stuck with it though. I dont know why i panicked, I think cuase it reminded me of the time I got jumped b y like 10 ppl and ahd a welt on my face cause fighting more than one person esp when immobile cause they grabbed u is like impossible.

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