Archive through September 02, 2008

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : Almost got stabbed tonight by a homeless bum: Archive through September 02, 2008
   By Enforcer on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 04:11 am: Edit Post

I went to downtown with a friend and two Asian girls (my friend is Chinese as well) and we decided to get some vodka as the Korean girl says she is used to drinking it back home. Anyway, I decided to sit near this creek behind a 7-11 on a tree and as we were going down these two guys started walking out of there and I asked if we could sit there and they said no problem but asked if I had some change and I gave him a dollar (hoping to get rid of them). After awhile as we were drinking they came back with beer and sat right across from us. I asked them to leave since I already gave them a dollar and asked earlier politely that they agreed to leave us alone. I also told them we want to be left alone for awhile. One of them started challenging me to a one on one fight and started walking deeper into the creek area and started becoming aggressive and pacing back and forth. My Chinese friend tried calm him down, telling him we don't want trouble and you are right and that we will leave etc. At this moment I was quiet and dint want to go off fighting some homeless bum with no shirt who was dirty and look stupid in front of those girls and stuff so I sat quiet and decided to just leave.So I started telling my friend we will just leave and the other guy and we started walking sideways when he started saying that was his place to sleep and we acted rudely, etc.

than we started walking away and he changed his mind and went back down the hill toward me and I extended my arm warning not to come any closer or else. He seemed to have backed away but after a couple of seconds he charged me so I jabbed him in the nose. He immediately started saying how he is going to call the police, how I broke his nose, how I am going to get sued and started pretending he was so hurt he intentionally fell and rolled on the floor. The girls at this point fled and my friend started apologiseing and saying how it was a midunderstanding and we are leaving. He demanded money so my friend gave him a dollar but he wanted more. He than started leaving but when my friend said he wont give him anymore he changed his mind again and busted out a knife and started charging me. I started running to a store (7-11) and hid behind the counter and called the cops explaining later what happened. Later I found my friend but the girls were gone.

Anyway, what would u guys have done in this situation when he busted out a knife and started walking downhill toward u? and also what would u have done the first time he started walking aggressively toward you when I jabbed him? should I have attacked him a lot harder and tried taking him out?

   By Enforcer on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 04:13 am: Edit Post

I am really regretting that I ran when he came at me with a knife instead of trying to keep him at a distance with my legs or throwing hooks since I later found out my friend had a bottle in his hand ready. I also regret I only threw a jab to get him away and tell him to back off.

   By Willis on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 11:54 am: Edit Post

Well I never would have hit the guy in the first place. Never fight unless it's absolutely necessary. Especially with homeless people as many of them are mentally ill. You might accidentally kill one or get some kind of disease from them. Also mentally ill people often have "retard strength" and may surprise you. Also they are unpredictable and cannot reason like most. You could have been stabbed and dead. And you also put the women in harms way by trying to be a tough guy. You "lost points" with them for sure and not keeping track of the ladies was pretty irresponsible. Anyhow if you are gonna fight always go for the K.O.

   By Jake Burroughs on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 11:57 am: Edit Post

Dude, what the are you doing drinking in the middle of the night in some area frequented by drunk bums???
I would not have been there, and then you would not have to worry about any of it.
And running was the smartest thing you did in the whole situation.

   By robert on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 07:04 pm: Edit Post

good job enforcer. as long as everyone is okay, you did the right thing.

   By Backarcher on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 09:35 pm: Edit Post

"...Dude, what the •••• are you doing drinking in the middle of the night in some area frequented by drunk bums???..."

Great question, Jake!

   By Enforcer on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 01:23 am: Edit Post

the answer to that question is one girl was under the drinking age (19) so we couldn't go to a pub and had to find a spot where we cant be arrested for public drinking. What I kind of find amusing about the whole situation is how that shirtless guy started acting and falling to the ground a couple of times and yelling how he had a broken nose or how I hit him. it was so bizarre. He just fell after a couple of minutes conversation to the dirty ground willingly.

Here is a question. When someone charges you with a knife is it better to wait till the attempt to stab you and block it (or attempt to) and than hit him/attack him while his hand is deflected or to try attacking him as hes running at you hoping to catch him before he attempts a swing?

   By Shane on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 02:03 am: Edit Post

Enforcer- I'll answer your question when you answer the one I've asked you three times previously.

When one man offers another man a gift... and that man refused to accept the gift... who does the gift then belong to?

   By robert on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 02:33 pm: Edit Post

Someone who wants it? lol

   By Jake Burroughs on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 - 03:05 pm: Edit Post

Brother take it from someone who has been there, done that, and bought SEVERAL t-shirts.....quit acting like a dumbass! No need to playing with 19 year olds! There is plenty of ass to be had! Stop putting yourself in stupid, dangerous situations!

   By Enforcer on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 02:37 am: Edit Post

Shane, the awnser is the person who keeps the gift is the owner.

   By Willis on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 12:18 pm: Edit Post

I like santa. and presents.

   By dirty rat on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 03:43 pm: Edit Post

"When one man offers another man a gift... and that man refused to accept the gift... who does the gift then belong to?"

Enforcer's not ready to for this kind of wisdom. He doesn't even think that there's something wrong with the way he's living his life, which is evidenced in the kind of questions he ask, which is usually on how to be more efficient in finishing the sh** he get himself in to make himself look good in front of the chicks.

   By Shane on Friday, August 29, 2008 - 01:06 pm: Edit Post

Great job enforcer,

Correct. If the gift is refused then it remains with the one who offered it.

Now exhange the word 'gift' with the words 'anger, violence', 'hostility', 'hatred' 'humiliation' and 'wisdom'. You may realize something profound about yourself.


   By dirty rat on Friday, August 29, 2008 - 02:03 pm: Edit Post

Doubt any profound realization will come about. Can't be found unless one admits he's lost. Usually takes a tradegy for that to happen.

Too bad Enforcer. Obviously, a lot guys on this forum care about you and your well-being. You going to let their efforts be in vain?

   By robert on Friday, August 29, 2008 - 02:03 pm: Edit Post

"anger is like picking up a hot coal to throw at another, you burn yourself as well"

   By Enforcer on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 04:52 pm: Edit Post

   By Jake Burroughs on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 05:17 pm: Edit Post

WTF did that have to do with anything?

   By Bob #2 on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 11:14 pm: Edit Post


   By robert on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 11:45 pm: Edit Post