Women and martial arts training

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : Women and martial arts training
   By Timber on Monday, March 23, 2009 - 09:58 pm: Edit Post

Let me start of this shindig with a hypothetical story:

You, a dedicated Shen Wu student, love to go to open mat Saturdays. In fact its one of the few things that gets you through the week but now you have a girlfriend. As you're about to leave your house to "shen wu" it up with the bros...she whips it out...and I don't mean her boobs. She says, "I have nothing to do ever on Saturday afternoons when you're gone. Do you really need to go to Shen Wu ever Saturday? Why can't we spend one or two(which will quickly turn to three or four) Saturdays together. I feel like we never get to see each other."

Does anyone here have a situation like this at home keeping them from engaging in the martial arts? I sort of do. My woman has said that similar statement to me for different activities including weekly poker.

I'm about to go the route of Enforcer here: I truly believe that society lets women get away with way too much bullshit. Dads let their daughters do whatever they want and spoil the crap out of them, never saying NO to any of their demands. Then she grew up and torments my manly activities cause she can't keep herself occupied one day a week.

As a man, or human rather, I think it's each person's sole responsibility to use initiative tokeep themselves entertained whether through drugs, video games, calling friends, getting laid, masterbating, etc. Hell, I work so much that when I get a day off I just like to stare out the window and watch the squirrels. My woman on the other hand needs someone else(me) to keep her happy. I think society is making women weak.

Ok. I got it off my chest. Carry on

   By robert on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 01:15 pm: Edit Post

Okay, Im a bit confused. What exactly does a woman have that can "whip" out? Exactly what kind of woman are we talking about here, because im not sure if i can help or not...

   By Timber on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 01:24 pm: Edit Post

It was a metaphorical whipping out. Jeez leweez

   By Tim on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 06:08 pm: Edit Post

Try this, tell her you're going to train with your boys anyway, and she better have your sandwich ready when you get back.

   By edmund kim on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 09:18 pm: Edit Post

Maybe she should start jiu jitsu too.

   By Bob #2 on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 10:03 pm: Edit Post

I'll roll with her for you.


   By Timber on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 10:14 pm: Edit Post

that's cool. We'll do a swingers party. I get dibs on your woman

   By robert on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 02:28 am: Edit Post

Lumpia for everyone!

   By Datuibad on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:42 am: Edit Post

Timber Tell your Woman its better that you are training than getting in trouble easy as that.

   By Timber on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 11:40 am: Edit Post

Lol. I don't typically get into trouble so that won't work.

   By Datuibad on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 12:45 pm: Edit Post

SO Get in Trouble MAN! and Tell HEr!!! SEE this what happend when im not training

   By Craig on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 01:43 pm: Edit Post

I 2nd Tim's advice... It's time to MAN up and put her in her rightful place! It's obvious that all REAL men should do this. It's important not to forget the sandwich (or food of choice) she must make, as you don't want to come across unmanly.

   By Timber on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 02:20 pm: Edit Post

That manly stuff works well before you're in a committee relationship. She is excited to be around you, maybe even obssessed with you, which will cause her to put up with a lot of BS. In a committed relationship those behaviors are a bit insensitive and don't work well unless you are dating a pushover chick. And then kids screw everything up even more unless you let your wife do all the child bearing work.

Those are just the realities of being in relationships

   By robert on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 04:15 pm: Edit Post

Especially when she "whips it out"

   By Willis on Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 05:20 pm: Edit Post


   By Martin Pentony on Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 08:31 pm: Edit Post

OMG I mean this is the ultimate example of why you should train. So when you get into a real life confrontation you don't just roll over in the fetal position and get owned. First the yeilding "why yes sugar bunny I would like to spend more time with you" Then the counter "but you know it is the sign of a healthy relationship that we sometime do activities that we don't share" Then the finisher "I just want you to be happy" Of course, you should consider that the woman is using reverse psycology on you. Challenging you not to go so you do go and then she hooks up with "that really funny gay guy" next door. Ouch, sometimes you win, sometimes.....

   By Bob #2 on Thursday, March 26, 2009 - 11:00 pm: Edit Post

to really work this out, we're going to have to roll play.

Timber, I'll be you and you be your hypothetical girlfriend.
(it's next Saturday morning and you start giving me the line you expect your hypothetical chick to give you (me) to get you (me) into staying home rather than workig out...

I'm packing my gi, mouthpeice and gloves in my hypothetical duffle back....

   By robert on Friday, March 27, 2009 - 02:31 am: Edit Post


   By Bob #2 on Friday, March 27, 2009 - 03:07 pm: Edit Post

"sweetums, did you hear that wacky downstairs neighbor yelling at the tree again? What a lonely guy. Hey, snuggems, have you seen my cup... I can't find it anywhere. You know, its the you labled 'lunch box'. Oh, here it is."

(drags duffle bag into hallway and then begins pulling it, thumping slowly and loudly down the hypothetical stairs)

   By Bob #2 on Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 01:56 am: Edit Post

Timber... waiting for y0u.
(I feel kind of silly doing this solo)its for your own good.

   By Tai Chi BOB on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 12:28 am: Edit Post

teach her a real lesson
marry her
it wont be long before she is begging you " Timber please go play with the boys, get out of the house,so I can have a Saturday to do whatever I want like write hypothetical stories and post them on the net like my dad used to let me.

   By robert on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - 03:53 pm: Edit Post

O, ouch.

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