If you have to go to jail what are the drawbacks of protective custody?

Tim's Discussion Board: Off Topic : If you have to go to jail what are the drawbacks of protective custody?
   By Enforcer on Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 04:26 pm: Edit Post

And lets assume you have a choice and the guards ask you, most of the time they don't ask but lets assume they do for this scenario. What would you choose? Being isolated and not as free or have to live with a bunch of street punks and be controlled by gangs or other inmates anyway? Do your time extremely boring and quiet or possibly tense but you get to feel more "manly" or "tough" while you do it? If you never plan on going back in or extending your stay but only have a few months to do your time what would you pick? Would you try proving yourself to a bunch of punks and guards or stay low?

Would you really care what two-bit thugs and punks think of you that probably go ina nd out all the time unlike you? Why not go to pc or be as isolated and away from those scumbags as possible? Plus you cant eve have a conversation with most of them anyway since they dont have education past the third grade.

   By Tim on Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 04:33 pm: Edit Post

How about making the choice not to go to jail in the first place?

I'll tell you how to do it, it's pretty simple: Don't commit crime.

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