Looking for combative Taiji or other internal style in NYC

Tim's Discussion Board: Martial Art School Location Want Ads , Etc. : Tai Ji Quan School locations : Looking for combative Taiji or other internal style in NYC
   By guest (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 12:38 am: Edit Post

I am looking for a combat-focused Taiji or Bagua/HsingYi/Yiquan instructor in Manhattan. The two Taiji classes that I have located are William CC Chen's and www.chutaichi.com. Any knowledge of these instructors and their methods would be appreciated. Specifically, I am looking for an instructor that focuses heavily on repititious training of techniques and applications, as opposed to forms. Thanks in advance.

   By Big Hairy Chick (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 03:08 pm: Edit Post

Matt Serra's BJJ school -

   By robert on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 03:38 pm: Edit Post

big hairy chick.

   By Jamie on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 06:52 pm: Edit Post

William CC Chen , his son (Max) and daughter (Tiffany) are know for applying the Taiji principles to boxing and do competition push hands and sparring.
William CC Chen is a well known and accomplished student of ZhengManQing (Chen, Man Ching).
I do not know if his school will meet your needs however he is well respected and well worth your time in looking into.
I know nothing of the others that have been mentioned.

   By Big Hairy Chick (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 08:56 pm: Edit Post

Okay, okay, okay I'm going to try and help out -

Hey Tim -
Doesn't Bisio teach Hsing Yi in NY?

Guest -
I'm sure William Chen is doing some good stuff. I know T. Bisio (?) was teaching Hsing Yi in NY. He's a good guy that might be an alternative too.

Uncle Tim might know. Although, he can't even remember the Avocado dip. Ask Bob #2 - he'll tell you...
At one time, I knew all the players on the East Coast but know I'm a little out of the loop.

Seriously, if you want to get a great workout and fight your ass off - Renzo Gracie's Academy on 8th real close to Penn Station is the place to go. But, that might not be what you are looking for which is cool.
Good luck.

Big Hairy and beautiful...

   By guest (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 09:42 pm: Edit Post

Thanks to all for your replies. I've been studying Shaolin longfist for the past 4 years, and want to begin to get a better grasp on internal arts and techniques. BJJ, although highly effective, is not really an interest of mine. Any other information is appreciated.

   By Tim on Sunday, December 04, 2005 - 02:37 pm: Edit Post

I think Tom Bisio still teaches in NYC.

   By guest (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, December 08, 2005 - 01:17 pm: Edit Post

Thanks. Tom's website says he has only a 7am class on Tuesdays. It's only a few blocks from my work. If he has showers at the school, then it might be an option, but I'll reach out to him to check.

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