Archive through October 16, 2005

Tim's Discussion Board: Martial Arts - Miscellaneous: Kung fu san soo: Archive through October 16, 2005
   By Steve O. (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 12:01 pm: Edit Post


Ambushing some unsuspecting guy in a bathroom doesn't make you a fighter, it makes you a mugger.

   By Jack V. (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 05:37 pm: Edit Post


Lin are yous saying shut your mouth? Did I strike a nerve. You know real tough guys. wow where are you from son?

Maybe they got nothing to say. And thats the point now isn't it.

In all the political corerectness everybody plays the "oh I'm offended card." Say something before you die. Life is too short.

People were deemed to be cool or interesting because thae had something to say. Now nobody has anything to say. Its all about schock value and money. Wow i'm hip, I have money. This cultures is such a waste it looks to Paris Hilton for guidence. She needs my guidence at least for a night or so.

Tell me who has something to say. We thought Mr. Woo was cool because he had something to say, and it was from a guy who had lived it been there. "Your girl friend is not a dog, man whistle at her, hit em" To us that was something to say. We all felt the same about it, and yes, it was illegal. Whach out now, don't cross any lines. (Anybody out there ever herad of Emerson? Not the cell phone manufactuer)

That made impact. Look at his face and you knew that he knew.

You and your tough guy budys need a black belt mouth to match the black belt thats holding up your pants.

(so sorry - no time to spell check)

   By Jack's BacK (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 05:53 pm: Edit Post

Michale, again nothing to say.

Where is the guy from Thailand who at least had something to say. Forget that I even exist (Hey, I might be Tim, just messin with you.)can you relate to the fact that Mike made some good points about the fact that back then people who went to Jimmy's and Woosleys and that other guy in S Whittier's studio used what they learned to street fight.

I'm picking on you guys and its just not fair, I know. But when some Koook posts a lame video of a mat event and this supposed san soo expert that is out weighed by some 30 pounds by some guy that lays all over him for a while and finally puts a leverage on him and this poster calls it a batlefield? I mean give me a break.

Woo taught you the psychological acceptance to hurt, maim or kill. If you had to, what percentage of the guys you work out with have the emotional fortitude to kill or even maim? That guy on the video who leveaged the other guy, i do not know him from adam, but if he pulls that move in the other guys home town bar he will get the crap pool cue whipped out of him.

There is very little strtegy in tournament fighting compare to street fighting. Limited variables.

That whuy I say lay off Guerro.

You guys are not street fighters like those guys were. You are tournemant athletes who mimick fighting.

I suppose some of you are dam good at it because if you are one of Tim's students you have an encyclopedia for a teacher.

I have always admired Tim's dedication.

   By I. M. Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 06:06 pm: Edit Post


I am not sure but don't mugers take money from their victims?

This guy had harrased my kid in the park.

He had broken into my garage and cars numerous times. He was a trust fund brat crack head. Before the last incident with him I caught him with my kids stolen bike. Sent him away in a neck brace with bandaged ribbs and a free ride to the local hospital. Then I told the cop, who I had a neighbor call that I wanted him arested and was placing him under citizens arrest. The cop said, "Well Jack, there are some inherent hazards you could face by placing Mr. Guy under citizens arrest. We know who he is and have a long history with him, so, I will tell you what, Forget about the arrest and we will just call it mutual combat." Then he turned to Mr Guy and said, Well Mr. guy, so nice to see you, shall we call you an ambulance? Then he turned to his partner as they walked away from me and he said, "Street justice, I love it!"

A couple of months later this Mr. Guy is chasing my kid out of our neighborhood park.

Never saw him after the bathroom incident though.

The roomer was he never saw his asailent. Musashi put it this way, The master strategist is a silent director of his opponents fate. Just like the people that killed JFK.

   By Jackson (Unregistered Guest) on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 06:42 pm: Edit Post

I cruzed up the post and let me tell you that the strategy of street fighting hinges on three things.

1) Your size, how strong and technicaly talented you are.

2) How much money you have to set things up and employ people to get things done. Like pay spies.

3) Who you know. If you have a gazillion dollars and you do not know where to channel it. What difference does it make. And you need inside information to know the correct timming.

Street fighting is vast.

Tournement fighting is small.

Being a San Soo Practitioner does make you a great street fighter. But learning the street fighters mind set from master strategists gives a unique insight into the real world were fighting is used to get things done. Vanklaus said war is the logical extention of politics (or something like that)

The point is San Soo is the only art I know where its Grand Master ever talked about its application to the real world with out rules and with spontinaeity. All others are geared to tournament sports.

I'll drop by agin time to time just to irk ya. I know you guys deep down inside in those quiet moments (Ha ha ha ha) really acknowkledge the fact that you think I'm swell.

   By Tim on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 07:16 pm: Edit Post

Hi Jack,

Good to see you posting again.

I may not always agree with you but you sir, definately have something to say.

   By kungfool (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 01:38 am: Edit Post

For a reality check go visit Marc Animal Young's web site. Now there is a guy who really knows what street fighting is all about. If you disagree, join his forum and tell him - then wait and see what happens!

   By Jack Here (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 03:30 pm: Edit Post

Thank Tim. Likewise or equalmente.

Kungfool, well all I can say to you presonally is "why did you choose the name? must be a reason"

In response to Mark (is that like in "marketing") Animal (hmm seesms like he is trying to be civilized) Young (difinatly what I ain't)

Well there is a lot of interesting stuff on that site and I really do not have time to write all this stuff to you people let alone Jack with him (Arrrr). But since Tim and I share a common bond, and since at times intelligent people that speak from experience have something to say on this site, I will take my Preeeecious time and experience to give you my never-to-be-humble Dr Jack opinion. Man style. No nurturing here, just a lot of fathering. (Where is that Hilton chick, speaking of fathering) Down boy… back on topic now. OK, right right.

Where was I. Oh yeah, the chicks in Central America… no No NO!

Umm… Right, he has a long site that I didn’t fully look at but it looked good (That’s what the girls down there said about me! Damn I’ve been away from home too long .. can’t concentrate).

So this is the heading stuff and I’ll break it down Dr. Jack style… yes I advocate mothers not working while they have infants or toddlers in the home. Wasn’t Dr. Laura a martial artist? I bet she’s a tiger in the sack. Who ever says you was a cop Mel?

"Self-defense isn't about empowerment, personal gain, winning, revenge or teaching
those who have hurt you a lesson. Those are the motivations of an attacker.
Self-defense is about effectively ending an attack, quickly and with minimum
damage to yourself. If you have those other motivations, then you aren't defending
yourself, you're fighting. And if you are fighting, you are just as guilty of misconduct
as your so-called attacker, because you are both operating from the same selfish motives."

OK sit down a grab a cup of coffee and in your secret little quite moments ask your self if I don’t make sense. Can you imagine living with me or even liking me? Hell, I don’t even like me half the time.. But at least I got sumpin to say.

"Self-defense isn't about empowerment, personal gain, winning, revenge or teaching
those who have hurt you a lesson. Those are the motivations of an attacker."

I do not believe in self-defense. I believe in self-offense. After my first year with Jimmy, I never blocked a strike. I attacked them every Fin one of them and their were many. Might have been a couple of yours Tim when you was a youngin) Break out the possum pie Jethro. That was Eli Mae's possum pie wasn't it - I hope, I hope(stop!)

Life is about empowerment personal gain, winning (you people compete to “win”) and revenge (as ugly as it might sound, and even if you are not interested in it, the other people may be). Oh and life is for learning and the best way to learn, as Tim knows, is to teach (Hey Tim, sorry if tarnish your altruistic reputation. You still da man).

I am an attacker and you should be one too. It’s all about intent - why you choose to attack.

"Self-defense is about effectively ending an attack, quickly and with minimum
damage to yourself."

This is precisely why I am an attacker, so I can eliminate the threat before it even manifests as a thought in another’s mind – which is the highest level of knowing or kung-fu (Knowing is my personal interpretation of the phrase “kung-fu”)

Just like now, I am attacking your motivation not to try and kick the bejevess out of me when you meet me in real life (stop!)

“If you have those other motivations, then you aren't defending
yourself, you're fighting.”


“ And if you are fighting, you are just as guilty of misconduct as your so-called attacker, because you are both operating from the same selfish motives.


It is all about intention.

Are combatants that storm insurgent quarters in Iraq in the middle of the night not acting out of selfish motives? The selfish motives are to eliminate the threat so an IED doesn’t kill their friend or themselves. The future results are defensive; however, the current action is offensive.

What are wrong with selfish motives (Ann Ryand: Virtues of Selfishness). If you were not acting out of selfish motives, you would not educate yourself. Hell, you might not even eat.

Now I can tell the answer to my point is going to be, That’s in war. Sorry but it is all war, and all love and all virtue and all evil. Life is like a box of chocolates Forrest, you never know what you are going to get.

Kungfool, got anybody else? The more I read my own post the less I think I'm gonna go along with this guy's psychobablle (Sorry now gotta go be selfish and eat. Please somebody say sumpin or I gonna take my key board and go back down south. I'm only here for a little while!

Oh by the way Kungfool this liitle diddy an't free... you owe me a check. Frickin post cost me an hour so that'll be $150 and make it out to yourself and then cash it and buy some good books and edjamacate yourself.

   By Jerkson (Unregistered Guest) on Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 05:44 pm: Edit Post

Ummm . . . ? Let me guess?
That's your best Charlie Manson imitation?
Or did you get internet privileges in prison?

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, October 14, 2005 - 10:57 am: Edit Post


Deep stuff.

Take another shot of Pablem and make sure you cream of wheat doesnt get cold.

Iorn up them dockers too. Musint be late for 1st grade now!

At least use yur own handle - what originality.

Thinking man's art hugh.

   By Yackity Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, October 14, 2005 - 11:09 am: Edit Post

K fool,

Here is the latest post from Marc Mac Young' site regarding the opening paragraph on his home page and mt response to it.

"I assume you're talking about Marc MacYoung.

I agree strongly with some of what you say and I disagree strongly with some of it.

Much the same with Marc. He has a lot of good information but he's a little too bombastic for my taste. Honestly, I think a lot of that is his wife."


You guys want me to take my view point a go home now. I don't think so.

   By J. Vincent (Unregistered Guest) on Friday, October 14, 2005 - 08:10 pm: Edit Post

Hey M.A.B.

WE, at least I were having a bery bery serious discussion (even if it is only with myself).

This is serious and you should read up. This should be required reading for all martial artist as the history of the art displays some profound confidence and numerous characters. Good and bad.

Its all about the Me Me Me behind the Orange curtain mentality. You only want to talk about what you want to talk about and although I don't make it a point in my daily life to talk about fighting, as most think real fighting is "mansonesque" you people are the ones who are mimicking it, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

The arts intensify who you are. If your are a poor ass it makes you an even bigger poor ass if you are a rich ass it makes you even more of an ass, despite your coin. If you are cool and progressive, it accentuates it. The art cannot help but bring out more of who you are, so you had better develop yourself because you will be exposed. Look what happened to me!!!

You will have the confidence to speak your mind, so you had better develop character so what you say furthers, not makes you into another opionless sheep.

You people know you want to street fight, Oh yes you do. I can tell it. You practice, practice, practice until that day, that one in a thousand chance comes up, that moment when you can justify letting it rip. Then it’s out of you for a while and you can relax. Kinda, like sex.

If yu can relate to that, you got what it takes, a taste for fighting. Hey, it’s either a natural or acquired taste, like beer. I am not saying run out the door and hit someone, I am saying, wrong some rights, for yourself or others. Don’t have to be selfish about it. Use your confidence in your abilities to go out and stand up to something or someone, even your ol uncle Jack.

You know you want to fight. We need outlaws. There is a lack of backboned people and if we as a society don’t start standing up and voicing against injustice, well this is for you guys as I have already well established my exit strategy, I’m just a visitor now, but I loved this country.

The story is a little the same, you guys kiss and hug and do some superficial bonding after the tournament. In life, sparing (is that why they call it sparring because you are sparing?) some person serious injury causes one of two options. Either he comes back after you or he becomes an ally.

Both positive scenarios, mat wise and street wise, involve forgiveness, but on what level?

Can you forgive a person for tweaking your arm until it hurts so much you want to barf? Yeah, not so hard. Can you forgive a person for intentionally breaking your nose? A little harder. Can you forgive someone or a group of people for burning your parent’s village and raping your neighbors? Well.... it may take a while but plenty of people on both sides of the Vietnam fence have forgiven.

Experience builds character and I am not talking about the politically milk toast kind. Character is as character does. The point is it is better to have some character than no character.

Character is consistent behavior according to your self-definition (if you have taken time to develop one). So you must determine what’s important, in order to define yourself.

Obviously, my roses are different roses than most here, but all our roses smell good to each one of us, as long as they are our roses, even if they are farts.

Show me some character boys, or girls.

It all about developing confidence and character. Remember that one Tim?

I don't expect you to be like me, but can you a least be like your self, if you know who that is? And if not, find out.

And the only way to find out is experience. Experience makes the expert. So, as my teacher said to me, 'Can you take your art and make the world a better place for you and all that is in it?" If you can, all the time you have spent on your education is worth it. If not, its just recreation. Might as well be playing baseball. How bout them Angels? Soccia showed Character.

Baseball, like mimicking fighting has little application to the real world, that is if you goal is to affect it. But if you are happy just being an observer and calmingly or anxiously waiting to die, at least before you go, gain some experience and use your self protection ability as a pass to go someplace you might not normally go and expand your world view. Then come back and say something. All colors are not Orange. (Hey, I remember when the 5 went through miles of Orange groves.

Think about it. You spend all this time learning it, why not apply it outside the studio. That does not mean kicking ass and taking names, but it does mean not being afraid to while on an adventure.

Captain Jack Manson signing out.

   By Jack Vincent (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 11:21 am: Edit Post

I guess my super mild and first time post made too much sense. They blacked balled me. Check out the martial art fourms under mind games (?) to see how un-offesive my post was, really. It was a new topic (marc's opening paragraph).

A guy makes a good point with some constructive critism and he takes his ball and goes home.

Kfool, you better get an education, on the street or other wise, and learn how to play your own game, instead of his or others.

Read below

Jack Vincient, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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Kung-fu J H Woo style teaches you how to be a leader by first being a follower. It doesn't relegate you to being a good little follower you whole life. Guess Marc got no room for anybody but good little followers, especially after some guy made a crack about his wife? Thin skined hugh?

Another reason to salute Mr. Tim.
He probally rarely agrees with me, but so what, least I got somthin legitamate to say! (too much hugh Tim?) Guess Marc's boys think so too.

   By Jerkson (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 11:24 am: Edit Post

Damnit--they did take away your shoelaces at the Corcoran facility for wayward souls.

All right Charlie, if you're going to post on this board, brevity is the key. The word for the day is laconic. There should be a quota for the number of keystrokes you're allowed in prison.

   By Jack V (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 12:56 pm: Edit Post


I'm impressed, you constucted a paragraph!

But it did'nt say nothin. Back to cream of wheat 101.

I heard Target has a sale on Dockers, run along now.

   By Jerkson (Unregistered Guest) on Saturday, October 15, 2005 - 02:46 pm: Edit Post


Congratulations on knowing what a paragraph is. Do you have stock in Target, Dockers, and cream of wheat, or what? Personally, I prefer jeans myself, so I'll pass on the trip to Target. But anyway, back to your rambling. Your posts are probably the most ridiculous thing on this board, but I have a sense of humor.

How's life in the Big House?

   By CJS (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 12:33 am: Edit Post

Mr. Jack Vincent

I enjoy your "rambling" I consider it the best advice given on this site yet, along with your previous posts. I look forward to any more real life wisdom that you are willing to share.
With great respect, CJS

   By Ramblin Jack (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 01:44 pm: Edit Post


Quite a compliment! That should disturb the quire.

Well let's see "ramblings" huh. Guess that makes me Rambling Jack. I like it.

CJS, you just keep encouraging me with a little ditty after my ramblings and I’ll keep throwing you nuggets, as long as I’m here (do not worry Jerksey, not much longer). I got people waiting for me (if you only knew, you’d crap and lap it up).

Jerkson san missed the Pablem remark, guess he is still walking around asking, "what is Pablem?” and trying to figure out the best angle with which to step through center or who would win in some UFC match. Must be a 12 year old that was given excessive homework through elementary school. Says he has a sense of humor, but still have not seen it.

Notice he does not have the depth to make one intelligent remark regarding any of the trazillion legitimate confidence and character issues I raised. Jerky, what constructive spouting can you create from your mouth, not your hand (Ouch). Guess that's why they call you Jerkson?

I write this stuff, one, because I’m back in the states for a short while and I’m bored (obviously) and two, because somebody as you may appreciate that fighting techniques are only about 10 % of the ancient art of kung-fu san soo. Psychology of the body and daily application of the teaching through your participation with the world outside the kung fu studio makes up the bulk of your education. KFSS merely opens the door. However, the majority of the students (and masters) did not understand that, as they were blinded by the power and volume of technique.

Also a well-rounded kung fu man has to be jack-of-all-trades and a master of none because there is simply too much to learn in any one lifetime. Now, if you only consider fighting technique, you may be able to master it if you dedicate your entire life to it, that’s how big it is. But you do not need to master any of it for it to be highly useful. Unfortunately, those who try to master the art can miss a lot of life.

Kung fu is about the art of living. Anybody who knew Jimmy knew he was rich, (eventhough he drove a pinto and blew a lot of cash at the track)knew he was somebody and sought to speak with him because they knew he had something to say, which seems to be the theme of this KFSS thread.

Jimmy probally didn't have tons of financial wealth, I really don't know, but sitting with him was as if sitting with Roberto Clemente, or hanging out with Bob Dylan, the Dali Lama, ripoche Trungpa etc. It was the best company I'd ever been around. Jimmy's smiling presnece was phenominal and his glare was death like.

Many times, I sat with him after day class at his old wooden desk while he ate his tuna sandwich and asked question about his opinions and listened respectfully to what he had to say. I learned from his Fascinating Life.

He was rich. Hey, I’ve got a couple of shillings myself and in the past have hung out in a couple of exclusive places, Wolf Gang puck used to personally deliver pizzas out the back door of Spagos to us at the Shoreham Towers penthouse. My friends and I started the Sunday afternoon pit stop on our hogs at Las Brisas in Laguna in the early 80’s before the Sunday yuppie biker crowd made it “Fashionable.” We’d pull in on hand built pigs, dirty Levis (not jeans Jerksen) still drunk from our rides out El Toro road. They hated us at Las Brisas, we offended the cream of wheat crowd who were trying the high-class Mexican food (no there is an oxymoron). Anyways I lived in Lagunita (the owners associatin hated me as we partied our asses off, anytime I'd have a complaint, they say, you are the basis of the majority of our complaints - don't even start. They were all old money and married crowd - I was still most of your guy's age then) and had a four-car garage carpeted with a couch and three chairs in it, my bike, a Lotus Esprit, a big Fatalac car and a open air bath tub Porsche, plus a new little Honda Accord (kept that outside) for whatever chicks were around or for other to use for errands. Man have I diverted! Reminiscing about the Orange days.

The point is, Jimmy was rich and he didn’t have a lot of money, he had experience and more than that, he had experience that he was willing to share with those that approached him with humility. Also, to give you the truth, he was opinionated and had to like you or he just wouldn’t level with you. It was the trashcan routine. He’d get you to take your head off you shoulders, and as a trash can with the lid off it, he’d fill you full of .

He liked the groupie set and tolerated the cops who would follow him around or come over and mow his lawn, but he respected the outlaws, and there were many of us at that time in El Monte. The fighters, like Dave Carter and Al Jinohosa, and those two brothers, also he liked the Vietnam vets. He definitely had his favorites. He really spent a lot of times with the girls students too.

One day Jimmy complained cause someone had written a phone number on his teaching diploma he got from China and I walked in one day and he was pissed, of the charts. He said (rather loudly), “Can you believe they write on my diploma?” and shook his head (It was by the payphone (?) and some one had written a phone number on it). I helped Al in getting it framed in glass. Al presented it to him. He was stoked.

So, I admire people like Tim and Juan Meza and others who have dedicated their lives to their pursuit. I also have dedicated my life to this pursuit, but my laboratory, my workplace is the outside studio.

I apply my kung fu education to build my power to protect, provide and communicate off the mat. Those accoutrements are highly useful and the standard by which one judges an opponent or ally.

It’s the 3/30 rule,

To become highly skilled takes about 3 years of dedicated unrelenting practice.

To become a master strategist takes 30 years of applying yourself through your art to the outside world.

You really do not need to study “fighting techniques” for more than that unless you are a slow learner or cannot make the time commitment of 3 years straight 24/7. After 3 years if you can’t fight, it just wasn’t meant to be (you could always teach). Jimmy would frequently say, “What makes you people come back? You already know how to fight. You come back because this is like your family, you come back because you like the way it makes you feel, you come back to build your confidence and your character.”

But applying what you know to the real world, the world off the mat, is very different. Very different. It is what gives you something to say. It is what makes you rich.

Not like poor Jerkson over here, nothing to say, wears “jeans” not Levi’s (are those the stretch type that my girlfriends down south like?). So Jerky, got something to say yet? Or still more wise cracks from the peanut gallery? You got any kids, or a wife, hey tells us about you Yorkie or something, ever been outside the house after curfew? Here is something I know you will love, “what kind of car do you drive? That’s an OC question (been there done that).

CJS, if you want to read some other quality stuff check out the thread “Combat to Sport.” That Mon Ha Woo is a San Soo guy that has something to say. Hell, he took on the whole quire.

Thanks for putting up with me Tim. Hope you are entertained, irked, enlightened, pissed and pleased. If so my job as a teacher, writer and kung-fu man was well done.

Gota go now, the youngest of my eight kids wants to walk to the beach. C ya.

   By Jerkson (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 03:48 pm: Edit Post


You funny guy, Charlie. But that's good you're taking a member of the Manson family out for a walk to the beach. The fresh air should do you both some good. I guess they let you out on parole or something.

Sigh. What happened to the good old days of this site when Big Balled Betty used to shut guys like you up and leave you in the corner crying in your cell.

Somebody who knows BBB needs to let her know that she's got a job to do here. Let her know we got Charlie Manson writing on this forum and he's out of control, thinking he's got a whole lotta nothing to say.

Help BBB!!!!

   By Ramblin Jack to the Rescue (Unregistered Guest) on Sunday, October 16, 2005 - 04:34 pm: Edit Post

The only one cryin here is you and for Betty no less.

Ok LBJ (Little Balls Jerkson) lossen up those strech jeans before you become NBJ (No Balls Jerkson)if you already are not. Can't hang with the big dogs so you gotta pee like a pup.

Keep on squatten.

Whaaaa? I got nothin to say, pout pout, where's Beeeetty. Aint finished sucklin yet?

Next you'll be cryin for Tim!